Anyone play guitar or drummmms?

Its been like 6 months sence ive played and my bass equip is getting lonely…

some recordings ive done.

JAWS! - (played bass on all tracks other than welcome to shark country)
Guardian - (metal, did the ecording ouselfs, kinda poopy but you get the idea)
The Ricochet - (my attempt to sell out and maker some cash, till i lost mylicense ha)

im open to just about aything , just miss playing.

I know Iamderrik plays drums

I play guitar not very well though haha. Always game to fool around though.

i play drums, but Im wearing a cast so I cant play right now.

I play ze guitar.

i regret selling my drumset, looking at getting back into one in the near future. now all i have to bang on is my desk at work and a girl from behind.

not a bad thing to be banggin on though, not a bad thing at all

I used to play with guardian all the time. Almost became the drummer for them.

Wait were you in JAWS! ?


just came across ths on youtube … good times

we went though a few :stuck_out_tongue:

I loved gaurdian.

Used to play drums, havent in probably 6-8yrs tho :cry

I was in a local band for a while called save your breath. Just stopped playing. Recorded with brett at max trax.

i remember that band

… there was talk today about a guardian reunion show. But who the hell knows if that will ever happen :stuck_out_tongue:

well … if you guys wann jam , let me know. Im down for whatever

wait wait , is your name nick?

i used to play for ac/dc until phil rudd came back.

there we go !

I used to go to RECON shows all the time back in highschool to support local bands. /pjb