anyone play guitar???

im lookinng to purchasing one… just wondering on whats a good guitar, for playing some metallica songs and such rock/metal songs… any help would be appreciated…

Ibanez has really good action (strings are close to neck, easy to hit frets) and is good for beginners. If you are getting a cheap one get one without a tremolo (yammy bar), they are shit and strings go out of tune easily. The sound isn’t great, but for playing distorted stuff like Metallica it will be fine.

Obviously there are a lot of better guitars out there, but for playability Ibanez is hard to beat.

yeah, for what you want, get an Ibanez with a Floyd Rose trem. if you were more concerned with playing mysic which requires quality sound and and sound shaping (other than the heaviiest distortion you can get) then i could offer more useful input.

i think the best bang for your buck would be a schecter.

i love schecters…but i rock a washburn idol series. the action is lower than low, and i fucking love it. no tremolo here, straight up skillz lol

guitars are like tattoos, you won’t be happy with just one.

if you’ve never played the guitar before you are probably better off with a decent accoustic…

learn the basics then move on

Gibson les paul special , goes for like 7 something @ guitar center.Best guitar ive ever played and ive owned over 5 guitars that each were worth 700$+.You wont be dissapointed if u pick one up

Gibson SG. It’s an axe. Check mine out and save some money, it’s for sale.

my fav is def a LES PAUL…
…super nice feel and response

SG’s are nice too…something different other than a LP or strat

Get like a MIM Squirer Strat or Fender for a few bucks more. Learn how to play before you drop a lot of money. And if the constant out of tune post tremolo crazyness annoys you for $60 you can get some locking tuners.

I disagree. Start electric, the action is alot more forgiving than acoustic. Then move to acoustic after you’ve worked out those little finger muscles. You’ll have a better time and less frustration learning basic scales and chords on electric.

I have a Ibanez RG270 with a Floyd Rose Tremelo, with an Ibanez hardcase that I’d be willing to part with.

I’ll post pics tonight.

start electric for sure. Just don’t go to target and get any old POS electric guitar. It will be too hard to play and you will get discouraged easily.

I started on a nice Mexican made Fender Strat. That was a perfect first gutar, cheap and sounds decent and plays great. Then I went to a Jag-Stang…very easy to play, and fairly inexpensive. Oh and it sounds beautiful too.

El Mariachi always had excellent luck with Mexican made guitars. They were even engineered well enough to harbor guns and cocaine :tup:



My roommate recommends an ESP he’s really into metal and has his own band.

Don’t forget to set a budget on a guitar amplifier and an effects pedal or two. That is going to give you the sound you are looking for.

Boss Metal Zone and Digital Reverb/Delay…along with a wah wah, are all u’ll need :wink:

You should concentrate on learning to play before buying effects, there’s nothing that will drive everyone in your house crazy faster than a horrible distorted guitar squealing…