anyone play hockey??

15 G 2 A in 8 games. not bad lol i cant picture who you are right now…but ill be sure to keep an eye out when we play you sunday!

LOL, sounds good buddy. I play slightly intense, so chances are that we’ve not been nice to each other before.lmao

i believe it!!! lol as long as everyone can make it to work monday morning, its all fair game IMO!!

Haha I’m sorry to hear that your team is a bunch of dusters, I play the Molson League up at Albany airport. I like it, real fast pace, I played a squad a few weeks ago with kids that played over at Sienna. Its a “no check” league, but I’ve seen guys get tossed into benches plenty of times, refs really dont call much.

heard horror stories of MHL. refs come to the game drunk. teams get stacked by jay. a lot of political BS.

One of my buddies “Kyle Conlin” plays there. He asked me to play init, but that would be ~65 games this winter, a bit overkill.

Hockeys a cute sport… My girlfriend plays

she took the whole team last weekend in the locker room!

Can someone force me to play again… I want to, but I just need a kick in the ass to get back out there.

Molson does have alot of BS involved, cant deny that, but its the most intense league around, and if I’m going to pay hundreds to play, I want a serious skate.

Molsen does have way too much bs. Crank is where its at. unfortunately some of the early game times and all that driving keeps me sticking to my cp hockey league

I got a buddy who plays over at CP on fridays I think it is, he keeps bugging me to come play, hows the competition over in cP? Is it a bunch of benders or is it a legit skate?

I heard that the cp league is where it’s at. I’d live to play up there, it’s too far of a drie though.

I wish I got into hockey as a kid. If I played now i’d need the “I’m gonna use my stick more for balance and less for hockey” league.

I played in the molsen league last season on the blue team as well as summer.Now im back over the cdha wich is a 27 over league and by that is politcial as well,but very intense.Although i enjoyed playing against kenny corp.

I personally think CDHA is where its at. Hard to get in there as a goalie since the let people stay once they’re in. Molsen league has some really good talent from what I have seen. My clifton park league i still developing I’d honestly say. We’re not taking noobs anymore but there are still some old guys in the league that just need to GTFO. This season we started a change over in who is running the league and he has really started going after a more competitive deal. Lots of 21, 22, 23 year olds made the cut this year. Talent is on the rise for sure. next season is going to be pretty amazing half the league will be ex prep school/ junior skaters with some UHL/AHL talent

Cdha is very hard to get into,i filled in for 3 years before i got a full gig.Molsen.league was fun,but im 34 and most of the kids on my team were in high school and were barley there cause of high school or travel schedules.Id like to check out the cp league.How many nights a week do you guys play?

CP league is just sunday. I skate other places to keep active though

Hope your knee is alright, that didn’t look pretty.
Ps. Your goalie is a fucking nut job
Pps. #12 is a big baby, gave him a little shove and he bitched like crazy.

the knee on knee with craig was far from pleasant but i have been trying to recover from a high ankle sprain that i got almost a month ago…craig ended up also kicking my foot out and put me back to square one with the ankle :\

zwick (our goalie) is definitely out there. always has been.

as for aaron (#12), when you get hit by the biggest dick on the other team, try to get it so he spends time in the penalty box!!! HAHAHAHAH I KID!