Any Adult Hockey players out there?

Well I got some bad news this week. The Saratoga Adult Hockey league has been disbanded this yeah cause too many scum bags didn’t pay their dues and the league owes the city a few $1000. This means I now have no place to play. I played a few games in the CDAHL last year but just as a filler for an injured goalie.

Is there anyone out there who is on a team or in a league that needs a Goaltender?

Haha you tend goals.

You goaltender.

I play in the men’s league for the Mohawk Valley men’s league. We’re holding try outs this year for walk-on’s, if your interested in gathering some information, I can get it to you. I’m at work at the moment so I don’t have any of it handy.

yeah send me any info you have. If its not to horribly far away I’ll play.

We play at Union College during the week at night.

I used to skate at Union all the time.

My name is still on the call list there haha.

I would totally be down for Skating at Union.

any mens leagues plan contact?

bino, hook me up i just played this moring and i need to join a league. give me info

how serious is the play? is it full contact and what not?

It’s a full season (26 games), we play the CAN-AM Tournament in Lake Placid if your familiar with that tournament. It’s not full contact, you probably won’t find any men’s league playing full contact either. We are registered with USA Hockey and anyone interested in playing will have to sign up through USA Hockey and pay their one time annual fee. I believe it’s $50.00, you’ll have to check the site though. Our league is $540.00 for the entire season and includes a jersey and socks.

OOO Can-Am is fun. I havent done that in a few years. Has to be a good level of play if you participate in that.

Get me info

It’s all guys that at one point played in high school level and went on to college level of hockey. There are try-outs and not everyone makes a team.

really if there werent tryouts it wouldnt be as good. I cant stand skating with people who dont know rules or strategy or people who just chase the puck.

As a goalie that shit get really frustrating. Its like play your fucking position morons. IF your defense you shouldn’t let anyone from the other team chill behind youin the nuetral zone. FUCK

you got a date for the try outs?

lmao imagine benny being a goal tender, no pucks would make it through

October 6th, @ 9:00 PM at the Union College rink. You need to register with USA Hockey on their website.

You also need to fill out some paper work from the MVHA. Go to to fill out the necessary paper work.

i have a line on open hockey wednesday nights for $15… 9pm i think at the knick in troy/lansingburgh. ill get more details this weekend.

Travis, I used to skate there open hockey when they had it. Definitely post up some info on that when you find out because i’d be interested in that as well.


i play and know that god times to play are sunday nights at 8:45 albany rink
wensdays mornings at 10 am albany rink
tuesday nights at the knick at 9 but the time changes
fridays mornings at 9 am at the knick

there all open