Anyone smoke the Hookah?

my buddy brang one back from Iraq with a cobra mouth piece. pretty cool piece.

comes in a breifcase like carrying case with the padding

thats sweet, specially bein from there cuz its prob not mass produced shit ya know, the cobra head looks sweet as hell. case would be nice, better then the cardboard box ours came in

I smoke like every other night pretty much. Just a hint don’t use instant light coals they suck and ruin the flavor of the shisha. If you’re looking for a shisha brand buy some Al Fakher. My favorite flavor is the eskandarani apple, much better than the double apple which tastes like licorice.

Don’t waste your time or money. The couple that runs that place have no idea what they are doing. It’s like $10 for a hookah with shity El Waha shisha and they use instant light coals. There’s also a lame $10 cover for anyone that isn’t smoking.

Pineapple FTW.

What else can u use instead of the instant light coals? and Thats the brand that seems to be best, the Al Fakher

Use natural coals. They take a little longer to heat up and get ready but they are much better.

Ill have to try that next time, I have noticed tasting a little while smoking with the instant ones

3 kings is the way to go…instant light

fuck all that other bullshit


No way, like I said before instant lights make stuff taste like shit because of the chemicals they add to them, so that they light easier/quicker. If you go to any good hookah bar they always use natural coals.

lol maybe u guys should agree to disagree?

thats because your not using the coal right, your shisha is getting to hot and in turn burning so your gonna taste the coal

when i smoke i break my coal in half or into thirds light it and once its all done and ready put it on and make sure one spot doesnt get to hot.

gonna give this a bump…

the girl and i lately have gone to a little bar, sit out and relax while doing this

ive always been adamantly against smoking, but found this hasnt been too bad, tastes pretty good too

Wait you guys don’t put weed in there?

i still have mine FS

+10,000! Idk what the deal is with the hooka fad is all about but I kinda thought it was like putting tobacco in a blunt wrap… It never happens?