anyone that drives the 90 to work in the am.. read

Oh c’mon, shutting down the 90 because you don’t like that heavy traffic slows down at interchanges was such a good idea!

Haha I give you 2 days on Union before you’re back on the 90 because it takes half the time because it hardly EVAR comes to a complete stop. It’s really not that bad at all. It’s not even stop and go. It’s just faster and slower.

I honestly don’t think Buffalo drivers are that bad. I grew up in Rochester and I honestly think the drivers are generally much more stupid, incompetent, and careless there.

you arent too smart are you, like these posters say, buffalo has decent traffic, leave buffalo, drive from LI into the city every morning for a month, then talk

When is the last time you were on Union?
When is the last time you were on Union in the morning?


Good Luck Buddy!

Construction has all traffic at a standstill. You aren’t even supposed to be on Union because of the expected delays, they suggest you use detours.

I take the long way home so I can avoid Union… its fucking rough. Starting at Sheridan… if you take Union… it will take more time to get to William than if you took Transit.

FYI - For you guys that take the 290->90 on the way back home after 5… stay in the left lane until Main St exit… move to the right lane… after the bridge by the blue water tower get in the left lane and then move all the way to the left lane on the 90.
If you aren’t going to be on the 90 for any extended length of time, stay in the right lane … and use the shoulder to get to the 33… otherwise you are waiting for dumbasses.

yeah, no shit. That pisses me off too.

you’ll be sitting in traffic for a 1/2 hour, all lanes backed up and when u finally get to where the traffic clears u see 2 cars on the side of the road with some minor scratches on the bumper :tdown: makes me want to shoot people

lol, this idea was not well received

omgawdzors … someone scrathed their bumper … FATALITY !!!

everyone look for blood !!!

best was watching the news the one day … car in teh ditch, one in the road blocking traffic … at a stand still on the inbound side … someon on the outbount side stopped … STOPPED to look … and someone else decided to look while driving driving 50 … they both learned pretty fast that both ideas are bad ideas

:word: Cept I don’t bother hitting the right lane. I go to the middle at the 1st main exit so that I can block dickwads that try to cut in to the middle from the left right before 290 splits to 90E/W (who are the whole reason that there’s a slowdown there at all.) Plus that way I don’t have to get back over to punch it to the far left lane when the onramp hits the main 90W.

lol yeah, I LOVE doing that (blocking assholes who cant wait like everyone else and try cutting in).

but the far right lane does usually move pretty quick after main st. (because of the dickheads trying to cut in)… then once onto of the 90 ramp, theres usully lots of space to move back over into the left lane :tup:

I <3 the 190 :smiley: Take this route as much as possible if you can (especially if you go from the southtowns to the northtowns). I go through the Ogden entrace, bypassing the toll in the morning.

I tried taking the 290-90 at night (5-6pm), twice actually, and I will never do that again. I rather pay $0.75 than spend 2 hours in traffic and use up more gas :smiley:

why did I even read this thread?

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. :bloated:

christ, so much for keeping the drama on the barf. “pile on!”

not a wonderful idea IMO, but I agree, that’s a shitty spot, and whoever mentioned the 90/33 ramp, right on. I’m guilty of trying to zip over into one lane into the ramp because semis seem to congregate on the right after walden, but I don’t spike the brakes to get in.

chigago’s traffic at 8:30 PM on a thursday evening astounded me. we were at least a half hour outside of downtown, and we were doing 95 to keep with the flow. awesome.

You guys are the reason there are jams there…

if you just let the guys in, no one will have to hit the brakes and traffic can flow freely again/still. Why would I want to sit behind you dumb bastards? Your purposely making it difficult for people (who may not be familiar with the area) to merge… WTF?

Exactly. Now you can stop at a standstill in traffic without coordinating with the general populace before hand.


No really, that was smart. Much better than trying to stop traffic on the 90.

stop rush hour traffic… why didnt i think of this sooner:smash2:

Next time there’s a fire, I’ll call you so you can try to put it out with gasoline…

And I won’t bother listing why you’re wrong, because just about everyone here has already done that.

My $.02, and I’ve said this before, getting a license needs to be more difficult. Driving should be a privelage not a right. Remove some of the worst examples of drivers and the change would most likely be substantail. But… I’m just dreaming right now.

omg … union is so much better of an idea then the 90

for all the times i had to drive down tranist in rush hour i know how long that drive takes

but i FEARED having to go do something over by union and have THAT be the quickest way home because of the traffic in the way of getting over to transit again

after leaving schmitts on genesee, if i had an erand to run in like amherst, it would take LESS TIME (total) to just head home, eat, shower, THEN drive back up to amherst for the errand

that way i wasnt hitting so much rush hour traffic

really, it doesnt matter. im just gonna start slamming on my brakes every morning whenever i feel like it.

thats like cleaning up the great lakes by crapping in the river … you realize that right ?

^^aboslutely. now im just being an a$$hole.