anyone that rides dirt bikes and quads

x2 I’m one of the 4 wheelers (balance impaired) now.

be sure to post up the next time you go.

fly, fatass fly! /Mallrats

i knew it wodent be long before you posted that pic

if i only had photoshop skills :embarass:

I’ll photoshop my foot up your ass at the bbq, bitch!


Am I gonna get a ride in the talon? :naughty:

if it runs i’ll find out tomorrow

i will. i think it’d be cool to get a few ppl together.

Darkstar, is that you launching in that pic? thats pretty decent. thats the type of dunes i want to ride in.

when pigs fly!!! :moon:

yep, thats me. :slight_smile:

Those dunes are out in Silver Lake, Michigan. Its about a 7-8hr drive. Hella fun. Went out there for a weekend with a couple friends right after we graduated high school. Best weekend ive ever had. Ever. And I lost my virginity on a weekend. :smiley:


didnt get laid till u were out of highschool!!! :rofl: !! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

your bike crew… :rofl:

thats actually funny :bowrofl:
but thats still a sweet ass pic darkstar (the original pic, i mean)

nah i popped my cherry when I was in 9th grade.

I wish I had the other pics from that weekend so I could scan them… :hs:

There was a small kicker that had about a half mile of flat before it coming right off Lake Michigan, we were hitting it 5th gear tapped as fast as the bike would go, probably throwing you about 80-90’. None of the dunes really had any good lips so they didnt toss you up that high. Totally different from jumping a dirt jump. it feels like a hill climb that you’re hitting real fast, and when you normally would let off at the top, you just keep it pinned. You cant see over the crest either, so its scary as shit. And you never feel like you take off, the ground just all of the sudden falls out from underneath you. I highly recommend taking a trip out. Hopefully someday soon ill have the funds to get another 250 and I can go out again… :hs:

thats awesome. i want to go. my 125 would suck out there though. u should buy 2FNFast’s CR250, hes sellin it cheap. if u find those pics, post them up, i’d like to see them.

Yes I can… It’s called SALARY. !!!1 :finger:

2 of the 4 of us were on 125’s… Just make sure to get a paddle tire with the correct # of paddles, run race gas/pump gas mix, and water wetter, cause the sand is hard as shit on the motor…