Anyone thinking or will be switching to iPhone 5?

thank the lord

Just update to new OS. Liking it so far, had to turn off the messaging cuz it just annoyed me how it shows the phone number instead of name for the contact.

Mine didn’t do anything like that. Maybe your contacts aren’t built right?

This. Mine still shows names only thing that changed was the text bubble is now blue when iMessaging.

lovely update on my wifes iphone. Thought the phone was bricked. Wouldn’t connect to my computer after an error restoring the phone after the update. Fuck itunes.

Was it this error: “The iPhone “iPhone” could not be restored. An internal error has occured.”

If so, it’s because Apple’s firmware verification servers are still overwhelmed, lol.

See here:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omgggggggggggggggg im dyingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

…so…with the release of the iPhone 4S…can anyone tell me in technical terms what makes an iPhone better than the best Android phone? I’m curious…and I don’t want a bunch of “because it’s Apple!” responses either.

I’ve been reading a bit and I’m considering switching for a couple of reasons. Mainly so I can sell my iPod Nano and EVO 3D (or give it to my GF) and use the iPhone as my every day media device for music in the car, etc.

I don’t do much on my Android phone other than Facebook, ESPN, Web, Texting, Pictures/Videos, and stuff like browing stores (EBay, Amazon, etc.). I also need my Google calendar on there.

I do all of the same with my iPhone 4. I don’t use it for music, since I got an iPod Touch, but I use it for everything else. For a phone that does everything 95% of the population would use it for, I say it’s perfect. My only gripe is the lack of Adobe Flash support.


Ni**a I don’t even know what HTML5 is.

How’s the battery life on it? My Android drinks battery life like it’s life depended on it (kinda does lol).

I charge every night, but depending on use I usually have 40% before I plug it in. Lots of texting usually and web surfing. Not much game playing.

I see. This Siri thing…is what I am considering the most.

iPhone would be just fine for you. If you don’t want to dick with things and just want a “It just works” type of deal then the iPhone is great at that. I love my android, but am considering switching given that now a days I really honestly do not give a fuck about being able to do whatever I want etc. The ONLY thing and ONLY reason I have my android rooted and will jailbreak an iPhone if I get one, is so I can tether for free.

really don’t give a flying fuck about beign able to put roms etc on my phones, it was fun at first, but after awhile it got old fucking with shit. It sits in my pocket most of the day now. Plus, iPhone battery life seems to be better, my wifes iPhone runs circles around my driod x in battery life

This is why I wanna get the iPhone. I bought a droid product thinking I would do all sorts of crazy shit with it, and have not done a damn thing. I just want a phone to take pictures/video and surf the web. And iPhones have way less issues than I have ever had with my droid.

If anyone is considering switching from Android over to Apple from Verizon give it a month or two, seems some pretty high end phones are coming down the line in the next few weeks.

Same here haha. I don’t do as much stuff as the Android allows me to do (freedom to basically do anything because it’s so customizable) so I have no use for it. I like the idea of an iPhone because it can plug directly into my car stereo (ie no need for iPod) and because of the battery life. Plus I can use it for work purposes (they will not allow me to use my android for email).

I’m on Sprint. So if I get it, it will be with them. Their ‘bang for buck’ factor is amazing. Best priced plans, and one of the better coverages out there (2nd to Verizon IMO).

For those would took the 4S bait. Enjoy :rofl

Wow those fan boy battles in the comments of the link make us look good.