iPhone fags, time to rage

Cuz android is on your beloved phone!

This is fuckin awesome, not perfect at all, but still awesome


I was gonna post this just now. Definitely awesome lol. No more locked down Apple OS.

Article: http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/21/android-ported-to-iphone/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+weblogsinc/engadgetmobile+(Engadget+Mobile)

Bastards both beat me to it, course its not yet fully functional.

This is crazy.

I’ll have the potential of enjoying my refined package with all the benefits of the other OS!

Rage? No. I say joy!

Now all we need is increased resolution and a better camera lol.

See iPhone G4

Great, so the geeks that care about this shit can have the lack of actual friends numbers on two phones in one.

Quote of the year

I am running Nintendo OS on my Genesis.