And you thought the iPhone was cool?

I can not wait for these phones to be released. The compass feature in google maps is amazing IMO.

android sure is looking good :tup:

Honestly everything is just beginning to look like a wannabe iPhone, especially this. Give it up for Apple, they’ve done it again.

Cavi Mike FAIL

difference here is that android will be much more wide spread. the software is open-source, and any phone vendor will be able to use the software on their phone.

^ word

been waiting for the googe phone for a while. looks very cool imo. Apple killer

Open source isn’t going to mean anything to the average consumer. People can’t even embrace Linux. So as I was saying…

iphone = 1 piece of hardware available(2 storage variations, big whoop)

android is software, not a phone. This means the android software can be installed on a variety of phones built by any vendor that so chooses to. This will bring along some pretty hefty competition as well as some phones that will likely have qwertys attached, large touch screens, and any other options that vendors want to build in. With the iphone, you either get the only one that exists, or you don’t get one at all.

This is not a wannabe, this is direct competition. I would get an android phone over an iphone just because of the lack of iphone qwerty. That touch screen, baby sized qwerty doesnt work well for my fat fingers.

It’ll be better than Windows Mobile. Maybe better than Blackberry. But not better than iPhone’s OS.

The Blackberry is ‘open source’ development…most of the apps are junk. The iPhone is practically open source with the hacks, some of the apps are okay, most are junk. Things might improve when the iPhone developers aren’t doing it for free.

Damnit, I agreed with Cavi Mike.

open source = winner

the OS has not even been released, so how can you say that the iphone OS is better? lol

you and cavi mike sound like idiots, speculating on how “good” the OS might be, when all we have seen is a few youtube videos of its prototypical functionality.

How good do you expect it to be? Anything and everything can and will be modified so no matter what phone it is, BB, iPhone, Android, it’s all the same. Yet if you look at the hardware, not the software, what does it look like? That’s right, it looks like the iPhone.

Another thing; don’t accuse me of downplaying a phone that hasn’t been released yet when you’re acclaiming it. You don’t know what it’s to be like any better than I.

all this shit is a bunch of fucking faggotry. i didnt even click the link, and i know for sure none of this shit is really that important for everyday use.

with that being said, shit on my treo all you want, and carry on

Will you be home tomorrow? I’ve been saving up this nice steamer all night I could unload onto your treo. :wink:


GOD I miss my BB

the android project has NOTHING to do with hardware lol. it is an OPERATING SYSTEM.

yeah, your right, having user friendly software that runs fast and gets things done faster is completely useless.

It clearly states that Google won’t be producing the phone but that production duties will be handled by large established manufacturers like Samsung so obviously this will be released as a device, not just software/firmware. Very few, if any, people are going to ditch their current firmware for this. I highly doubt I will and doubt I COULD considering its dependence on a touch screen.

coming from someone who has had a treo for as far back as they can remember is a whole diff story.

i love treo upgrades, its what im used to, just tweaked a bit. never had a bb but ive played with a friends iphone and wasnt impressed at all

no touch screen? :lol:

i’m done here

this is EXACTLY what i have been waiting for. Now if the manufacturers could put a hard keyboard on the phone instead of that touch screen bullshit. I’ll be the happiest man alive!

Listen. It looks like the iphone because in the demonstration Google decided to go that way. If you take this software and install it on a different phone it will look like that phone.

ANDRIOD is SOFTWARE, meaning its an installed OS.

Guess what even the software that the iphone made isn’t new by looks. Sure the touch screen usage is pretty innovative, but what happens is someone comes up with an idea that rocks the world. the iphone did this pretty well, others copy it and make it better which will happen. This happens EVERYWHERE and how can you be a wannabe when what you provide is much better than the original?

dan, you’re wasting your time man.