Anyone Up for a challenge

What??? Z will take the Stang off the line but the Stang will reel in the Z??? Where did you get this unusual information? Where does TORQUE come into play at 60 to 80kmh??? Good boost??? Turbo cars USUALLY have less torque until boost kicks in than its NA counterpart. If it’s eating Stangs off the line and boosting hard then there’s no reason why this Z won’t tear the Stang up.

350Z BETTER??? Wow… ok then. Look at history. Lets say stock for stock, a 300ZX TT is FASTER than a 350Z and there are no 350Z guys here that are ashamed to admit that. They ARE NOT more “visious” than the 300ZXs.
Ask Hanzzzzz what he feels about my car after a crazy drive in it this morning. That’s just 9psi. I’m slowly working my way to 18psi.