anyone up for a poker game tonight??

Trav, I got a weekly game at my house w/ some people… $500 buy in. None of that chicken shit bull shit.

ill let you know when i get the scratch together.

people still dont get that its NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS to whom or how i sell my parts. you MAKE it your business (and i say you collectively to this forum) and you should have nothing to do with it. you didnt purchase the parts originally, and you have no intentions of buying them off me. so all you are doing is INTENTIONALLY fucking up my sales. it doesnt matter if you know what occurred with the items during my period of ownership. this is what you people dont get. it doesnt fucking concern ANY of you unless you are the ones buying it. People from here have DELIBERATELY sabbotaged my sale threads because they think its either funny or that it pertains to them somehow. you need to get a fucking life if thats how you all get your jollies.

I can’t help but jump in on this but where the FUCK are your morals? Sure you don’t have to say a thing about that motor being in a fire or the fact that you may have beat the shit out of it, but what do you honestly gain out of that? A few hundred quick dollars? Honestly, think about that.

I’m sure people are going to wonder it has seen some sort of abuse with mods put on it. But you mean to tell me even if you were a consumer you wouldn’t feel that you were taken advantage of if someone sold you something and didn’t tell you it happened to be in a fire? You always talk like you’re an intelligent person so I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that, yes, you would have liked to have known that sort of information. So why try fuckin someone else over?

I tend not to judge people until I personally meet someone but I can see it clear as day that without meeting you, you are a scum bag indefinitely. You come back on here where people clearly are against you and your the punching bag of the forum (next to 92racefag) and try preaching you’ve changed your ways and turned your life around like your some born again Christian.

What still blows my mind about you is, people don’t like you on this forum and yet you make stupid threads like this where you know it’s going to go off topic and you’re going to get bashed. Take a hint dude seriously.

listen idiot, i’m sure whoever “fucked up” your for sale threads did it only with the intention of preventing other fellow internet brothers from getting ripped off. If you have a problem with that, do not continue to try and pedal your garbage wares on OUR internet. kthxbye.

noones getting ripped off if the products function properly… which they do… so everyones points here are moot. so as i said before people need to handle their own matters and stay the fuck out of mine

They work properly now. What about in 6 months when something fails due to extra fatigue from being cooked?

Even if it never fails, you would think someone with morals would tell potential buyers about the part’s history.

Travis you have never sold anything without taking advantage of someone in the process. /end argument.

the points are not moot. and “people” are not in your business they’re in the potential buyers of your flaming parts’ business. i’m sure they’re thankful.

this is exactly what i am talking about… you need to stay the fuck out of it… it doesnt concern you.

it doesnt concern you either. it concerns the people you’re taking advantage of. so you stay out of “our” business for getting into their business :ponder

uhhh retard… they are my parts. it concerns me in the fullest… and you not at all… so lets see here… stay the fuck out of it? all of you?

i hate trying to explain this shit to fucking mental midgets. its like trying to explain the intricasies of hockey to a fucking toddler. they just dont get it.

they may be your parts but it’s their money they are risking for shitty parts and/or parts that aren’t delivered to them

you’re not gonna win this :rofl

Buyers have the right to know what they are buying and what it’s past history was. That shouldn’t hinder a sale and if it does maybe you shouldn’t be selling it to begin with.

riiiiight, i love how we are the “mental midgets” when a lot of us have accomplished more with our lives by accident, than you have in your entire 27 years of trying.

how do you not see that its none of your business?! why do you feel that its your lifes duty to deter anyone and everyone on the internet from buying something that is in 100% proper working order? ohh thats right because its ME selling something… so lets use another thread as an example…

this one will suffice… so joey fucked over jason by selling him a garbage car knowing it wasnt in 100% working order but didnt tell him about it… yet joey can sell anything he’d like online without harassment… double standard around here…
the turbo works 100% fine. nothing wrong with it yet you ALL make it your business what i do or how i do it… it aint right… YOU all are in the wrong… not me. chew on that one for a while and let me know how it tastes.

Yup, I’m a mental midget. That’s why I’m 5 years younger than you and (arguably) more accomplished than you.

actually i would have no problem blowing up Joey’s spot in a for sale thread with that. Joey & I are cool, and deep down he knows he done fucked up. :thumbup That doesn’t put him anywhere near your level of fail.

you are intentionally withholding VERY important information from a F/S thread for your own benefit at someone else’s potential expense. NO ONE ARE NOT IN YOUR BUSINESS. THEY ARE IN THE BUSINESS OF HTE PEOPLE YOU ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF.

and what k20 did was with NO doubt scummy. i’ve been screwed over in the past on minor things and if ANYONE was trying to misrepresent something over the internet and i knew about it i would tell them to add/change the correct information and if they were being dicks about it i’d consider posting in the thread or whatever that they items are being misrepresented.

having a conscience and working against people doing scummy things FTW.

the turbo has been gone through, and completely rebuilt, media blasted and checked. balanced and trued… fuckin thing looks better now than it did when i first received it from FP… yet because of your meddling its harder to sell than trying to give pussy to a hooker. that aint right.

boys this is like buying a car, people do their research on the car by getting carfax reports to ensure they get what they are paying for.
parts are the same way, if i was purchasing something new for my car, I’d like to know its history, why it’s being parted out, what happened to the car to begin with, shit like that. I’m not bashing anyone, but this is how I look at it from a consumers point of view…