anyone use xserve/xraid/xsan?

if so, what are your thoughts?

We use it for video storage and playback…

I think I showed it to you when you stopped in…

thats right!!!

thoughts? can you dig up an invoice? how much storage do you have?

they look cool - don’t know if i’d ever use a mac server though… purely because i would not have a clue what to do with it though, it is not based on any real fact :stuck_out_tongue:

They work well…Apple warranty’s the hard drives…We have had a couple fail but this thing is used to stream video 10-12 hours a day for a large number of users…and the those 3 arrays grouped together are 2-3 years old at least.

I will check on the exact storage numbers.

i am totally oblivious to these, do you just guys use them in conjunction to windows servers or does it have something comparable to AD?

Its a Mac server…so its UNIX based you could have it authenticate via LDAP so yes it could use AD…

In the setup its in currently we don’t do that though…

Those 3 are 5TB

The new one above the blades is 7TB

Not sure if this helps you any, but you can easily authenticate mac workstations via AD and manage user settings via LDAP/Open Directory (from an xserve).