anyone used, or using a nokia e62?


Great reception and battery life, solidly built, good interface, personally I like symbian way better than windows mobile. If the new N75 wasn’t coming out this week I would have bought one when i tested it.

how would it compare to like a 9500?

Anything specific you like better about Symbian Joe?

I’m waiting for the E90 myself. I’ve loved Nokia’s commnicators ever since the movie The Saint.

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:4,topic:28258"”]

I’ve loved Nokia’s commnicators ever since the movie The Saint.



[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:4,topic:28258"”]

Anything specific you like better about Symbian Joe?

I’m waiting for the E90 myself. I’ve loved Nokia’s commnicators ever since the movie The Saint.


Never used a 9500 so I couldn’t tell you, but windows mobile is clearly PDA-first. It’s like the phone is just another app you have to run, and you can’t dial unless you’re in it. It’s bloated, slow, and has a lot of extra shit. Also, unless you install a 3rd party app, it’s hard as hell to actually close stuff, and you end up with 50 things running at a time. Not to mention that all the software available is 95% shareware, and most of the devices have iffy RF and battery life.

With symbian, theres just as many apps, if not more, but a lot more are free, syncing is just as good with windows, you can see what’s running at any time just by pushing a button, and you can make a call no matter what you’re running. Not to mention that they’re supported by Nokia, who are the only way to go for a phone IMO. Every time I try a different kind of phone, I’m back within a week or 2, no matter how cool the new one is.

I can’t wait for the N75, smartphone functionality in a non-hideous package.

Sweet. Yeah I’m switching to Nokia phones after being brand-loyal to Motorola for years.