anyone wanna give me a hand with the car tomorrow?

hey i was just seein if anyone was not gonna be busy tomorrow around noon, my transmission is ready to be pulled out and have the clutch swapped, im just a little guy so ill need a few hands, if anyone isnt busy around noon PM me and ill give ya details (location) Z28LT1Rocket said he is down to help, anyone else? (not expecting too many most people have jobs lol)

let me know, thanks

at noon i will be taking a KILLER forensics test.

i’d much rather be doing a clutch job on a POS 240 :’(

doit you wont, when you get out? may still be fuckin with it, hopefully my lights come in

PM me your number, i’ll text you at like 2:30.

actually, mine is 518.369.6855, just text me or something so i have your numero

i just hit yo bitch ass up :hug

roflmao nice avatar

Can I borrow your work crew to finish my car off on Thursday for the event?

Give me 50 bucks and ill come over n get that bish done ASAP provideing you dont run me over with the car/electrocute me or drop the trans on my hand

agh fuck, i just woke up ill post up when im ready to head out and get this bitch goin


dude i dont even have gas money for the damn thing i just spent over 100 on a new clutch and 75 on headlights

ok im goin out to work on it, im sure ill be checkin back to the computer, if anyone wants to give me a hand PM me, or text 518-461-0525

what needs to be done?

sure, so far my work crew is me =[ i cant get this fucking thing out alone, its heavy lol

Snailed SER should stop over and help in return for the p/s rack out of your NX.

he could have but…clutch is done, no need for help anymore