Anyone wanna go see Bad Boy Bill @ This is London?

Should be a good party. Its on the 17th of Feb (friday).

Some of my friends backed out. But i think i might still go.

Prices might be $40. I wont pay more than that.


Cahill works there, see if he can hook anything up.

Serious? That would be sweet.

Mini SON meet?

Marc, you’ve got terrible timing.

I would have loved to go… but I’ll be out of town.

marc… bad boy bill… :shock: :shock:

never thought i would of seen that in the same sentence…

i’m working nights that weekend so no dice :frowning:

you should come out to Darkrave this weekend for some awesome psy trance :smiley: :smiley:

What’s this? Male strippers? Out.

$40? Sounds like a rave… man I stopped going to those years ago. Something about not wanting to end up in a ditch with a head full of chemicals like some cheese-eating high school boy… cuz I’m an adult noooow…

Why not? I love house. Have been a BBB fan since way back. Saw him spin many years ago at Industry, or the Guv, can’t remember. :slight_smile:
Not into trance, especially variations of it, like psy, and Goa and all that other stuff.

Yeah, because going to a party, can only end up being in a ditch with a head full of blow. :roll: And how does it sound like a rave?

First of all I was quoting lyrics from the Pursuit of Happiness song “I’m an Adult Now”, and second the only time I’ve ever paid $40 to see a DJ is when I went to a rave… no offense homey :wink:

Guess you haven’t been to many Toronto clubs then. If it’s a guest DJ, then they raise the price.

$40 at a rave will get you about 6-7 top international DJs. But then you get lamer kids OD’ing on baby powder.

$40 to see a DJ spin house music? I mean BBB spins some cool shit, but that is just ridiculous. Jesus man I AM out of the loop… last time I saw a wicked house show was Daft Punk at some rave at the Int’l Center… don’t remember the whole thing, but I can tell you it was fucking awesome. I’m sure that show was only $20-30. This was about 6 years ago mind you…

Im guessing it was all ages, and not licensed. This is London is making this a 21+ event, and dress code in effect. If you take a look at the venue, you can see why they would ask so much.

Daft Punk isnt house btw. :wink:

Better be a damn fine establishment for $40, I mean BBB is like 40 years old or something… lol

What genre would you call Daft Punk? They may be doing weird electronica stuff now, but back in my day, an album like Homework was considered house music.

I still listen to Homework, such an awesome record. I have it on vinyl.

:smiley: :smiley: you guys should come out to this party for my bday :smiley: :smiley:

its gona be good times

What time you gonna be touching down?

B410pm? :fingersx:

yeah some thing like that bc my buds will be spinning so i’ll prolly be heading up with them:)