Anyone wanna meet up for dinner?

Bored hanging around and wanted to get some food, Maybe that dinosaur place in troy? Anyone want to hang out shoot the shit for a little while?

It can be a date if you want :hug:hug

shoot the shit? lmao

lol i b down but stomach has been killin me all day.

i got a cockmeat sammich for ya if your hungry


be right over.

cockmeat sandwich with no bread!?! :excited

he’s gonna put it between your buns

good luck getting in there w/out a reservation… even for just 2. lol.

man… just come out of the closet, always thinking homo thoughts


Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday Jellies!

Heard dinosaur was pretty gooood, went to bww 2 times last week, love it

I havent been to the Dinosaur’s in Troy but Ive been to the one in Syracuse a bunch of times and its really good.

dino,s is realllyyyyyyy good . i could get fat eating there

I love the catfish there.
I go there every year after the Syracuse Nationals.



fuck all of you i’m getting dino bbq tomorrow for free, same with alcohol. :ohnoes

thats why i wrote that lolol i was waiting till someone said w.t.f

John. No.