anyone want to hit the ice this weekend?

I got a few others comin too. AJ has a dirty 250R, 67whp, clean as hell. Some others as well…

u nevr awnsered my question what day u guys goin up! i wanna get out of the city for a couple hours even thou i dont have a quad lol

gota have a quad first!

yea thats y there were ppl there that didnt have quads… STFU pete

quad and/or sled and/or awd car…in that case, everyone had something :smiley:

More than likely sun

No they didnt…

theres no specation aloud and just chillen?

yea ya can chill there i do ,once in awhile i rob my friends quad

There were more people there standing around than riding. Youll be ok…

and almost take out some dude on a crf:rofl lololololol i was dyin

ill have an awd car soon enuff, thanks 2 nick’s help

So… is the consensus Round Lake, Sacandaga, or other this weekend… Sunday, right?

Tough to say as of now. Still kinda early, and have to see what the weather is going to give us. Wager is nice b/c it shouldnt melt too quick…

I say wait till the following week end for sacandaga if the weather allows. Isn’t it suppose to warm up this week?

Depending on how far anyone wants to drive, I know there’s a couple of ponds/lakes further up north… those will definitely be frozen!

Personally, Wagers, Round Lake, or Ballston would be nice cause they’re not too far away…

Yeah i like to stay close, b/c its saves $$ and im not REAL serious about it, just go to have fun.

wagers pond is the best bet, people are ALWAYS there on Sunday and a few go on Saturday

i’m jk. more the merrier.

I heard there were a ton of people there on Saturday night