anyone watch Rescue me & other FX channel show?

anyone here watch Rescue Me on FX with Dennis Leary?
great show…I stared watching it last year & this season has been really funny so far

last night was crackin me up… when they were picking on the guy for dating all the big/large chics.

also Leary/tommy getting all the visions of jesus & mary magdalen are hilarious.

FX seems to have all the good show lately, especially since there ain’t shit to watch in the summer

they are smart by running all their series in the summer so they don’t compete with network TV during the Fall/winter

Over There starts premieres next week
the 30Days season finale is tonight i think
Nip/Tuck starts in Sept.
Starved & Its alays sunny in Philadelphia premieres next month

they got a decent lineup of shows :bigthumb:

The Shield > Rescue Me

shield is OK, but i like rescue me better…never really got into te shield

yup,great show

the last show I watched on tv was saturday night. I watched the UFC knockouts. It was pretty cool, but a little boring.

FX is still a channel?

rescue me > da shield