Anyone Work At A Ford Dealer?

I figure thats the only ones brave enough to tackle what Im in the middle of…

I have a '99 ford Taurus 3.0l OHC that I’m in the middle of replacing the A/C compressor. Now, I got everything disconnected and now STUCK trying to get the compressor out of the engine bay. I can only move it so far towards the drv. side because the tubes I removed are preventing it from going any farther towards the drv. side, and its hitting the rad. shroud (big white plastic peice). I don’t know if I didnt move the fan shroud forward enough or not. The shoud only move 1/2" if that. The big plastice peice thats on top of the rad wont come off either.
If anyone has done this job PLEEEEEEASE let me know what Im doing wrong. Thank you!