Anyone work for geico?

Does anyone here work for/know someone that works for geico? I was thinking of taking a customer service job with them but I don’t know if its worth it,the pay seems ok but i’m hearing mixed reviews about them.Interview process looks kind of hectic,I suck at interviews.

Two buddies of mine applied.

One said screw it after the 5th interview. The other one works there now after approx 8 sessions of interviews, drug tests, and so forth.

Good luck if ya do. :tup:

xwalkerx works there

whats the pay like, I have always stayed away cuz of rumors of the crazy interviews

its like a 4 interview process… some spots are $15 an hour though…sounds like a good job, but its like first 6 months is training and u cant take any days off for first 6 months, not that that should be a priority, but some people think abuot it

I think the offer I had was like $13.xx for days and almost $15 for the night shift.Not amazing pay but its quite a bit more than I make now.

a few of my cousins/relatives work there. the pay seems decent, but some of the younger ones want to get the hell out.

Man, from the sounds of it, you’d think you were getting paid like $30/hour.

oh yea the late shift is like, 445PM-1AM

my g/f just started working there. She’s in training…has next week off for the Toronto Grand Prix.

Benefits seem great. Lots of discounts on several things (i.e. insurance, sprint phone bill, 60% off powertools off some website, other things).During her training (12 people) they have a bunch of raffles for iPods and Gift Certificates.

401K and Profit sharing is a huge plus, which they offer. I heard profit sharing for last year was $9K. I wouldn’t complain.