Anything Going On A Kohls Tonight or Tomarrow Night???

2 beers tonight Ryan?

And why should anybody be scared of me? I mean Ive been working out alot lately but Im not quite that big and scary yet.

Well its a question about the lot, im 18 years old… i have no friends with nice somewhat fast cars to “cruise” with or even the gas to do it. I have NO IDEA where any other car meets are. I dont drink or smoke pot like 99% of 18yr olds, so i look foward to seeing the classic chevys, fords and dodges that park there every weekend. I just enjoy talking to the people that actually do their cars up correctly (not people who remove all their civics interior for a roll cage and a NOS tank and put a HUGE Wing on it with 20" wheels)

PJB was probably one of the nicest to me when i first got on here.

ok this kinda makes me feel like your try to get one of us to date you. Do you like long cruises down central in the moon light? ha

that last part just dont make me comfy …:retardclap maybe just maybe if ya didnt ask dumb fuck questions like this ya wouldnt get trashed .that is the last question anyone on here is gonna answer

basically the lot is a joke these days compared to what it used to be.

Unfortunately its become a hangout for a bunch of shitheads and high school kids and all these people do is cause trouble there.

I went there a few weeks ago for an hour or so, was bored out of my mind and ended up going drinking. As I was leaving some retard was doing donuts in a Dodge truck there and before that cars were flying by O’toole’s and everybody with a Cobalt thought they were the man driving thru McDonald’s.

These guys are hippocrates.

They complain that the scene sucks and that nobody introduces themselves in person

Yet they drive young, interested people away by being assholes.


yeah im looking for a BF on here… ur a fagget dude

yea sorry i just thought it was a bad idea to put a fart can on a saab.

Yeah the lot has got alot worse… My brother took my there when I was like 13 and the cars there were sick! i seen some crazy Black Toyota Supra.

how are we bein assholes when the kids first posta are askin where the hangout is and the RACE SPOT ? come on vlad

LMFAO :lmao :rofl

that was paul walkers car!!!

Easy on the name calling and personal attacks

THAT will get you banned.


We have few rules enforced on here, that is one of them.

probably the one owned by a member here. Theres also a member here with a red/maroon Supra thats faster and has more hp.

im not looking for a HARDCORE fart can like a generic ass POS. Im lookin for something that actually will sound pretty nice. Considering I am a fan of Apexi, Skunk2, and Megan Racing exhausts. Maybe a Borla?

  • rep, love ya paul :lmao

ok i’m going to throw you a bone on this one

either PM " hank " on here to make you a custom cat back, or call down to inline performance in Schenectady and have either one of those guys make you a custom axle back with a magnaflow exhaust

don’t be cheap b/c your going to end up spending more to keep fixing the shitty work as opposed to spending like $150 to get it done right the first time

Dave at welded up Borlas to my Altima SER catback perfectly, seriously, go to him!! :thumb

trust me one call to hank from me and his car wont be there

yeah cuz that Maro will be in shop the whole time