Anything Going On A Kohls Tonight or Tomarrow Night???

trying to be nice… kinda

yeah i got sick of that nice thing… i tried

yeah thats it .ya come on here askin questions and then act like a tool lololololol good luck gettin anywhere now fuckstick

he told him chevy’s suck .

FYI wait a couple months before you start pickin on slow… he is not the first fight you want to start he. he will make you cry. seriously he will. no joke. don’t do it

lolol nooobs they gotta learn somehow man .somtimes its a little painfull

this “88slowmarro” character sucked on my penis once.

it was okay, not memorable though.

Ford > Chevy

Chevy = Poop

hahaha + rep when i can :rofl

I think we need a sticky with the “unwritten” rules for newbs, such as, introducing yourself with something more than a question about the gay ass stupid ass lot.

BTW, if you want to survive on this site, take what is handed to you and roll with it. Understand that you are getting slack because we literally have nothing better to do.

Enjoy your stay!

I thought he told you not to tell anybody about that when he bought you the beer.

i did ,was that before or after your mom ha my cack balls deep in her anus :lol

2 dogs in a bathtub style huh?


I’d tell you guys to stay on topic but it was never much of a topic to begin with.

+rep to vlad for understanding that this is going to go whichever way it’s not supposed to

vlad ,calm down before i have your brother drive ya around

it wouldnt be shift if it stayed on topic…

vlad my penis hurts lololol

so whats going down in the lot… imma drive my geo metro with a 2’ cardon fiber wing there… and i just spin balanced my gas cap so im ready to win some races

Oh Shift, how I love thee.