anything sweet to do with the VZW voyager?

I just picked up the VX10000 ( voyager ). Its going to take some getting used to coming from my VX8100. With that being said, any good games or anything intresting or cool I can do with this phone?


I heard it floats really well.

i heard if you flip it open, it has a full keyboard!!!

but on a serious note, stream videos from is cool


The day this phone was released I waited til the kiosk in the Galleria Mall opened up that morning, I loved the phone at first and now I am just sick and tired of it to be honest. I have found nothing interesting to do with it and it got old really quick (mainly because I also had the vx8900) , plus the touch screen sucks (imo). One thing I do like is the clarity of the pictures taken with it and the VZ Navigator which works surprisingly well.

If you do find something interested to do with this phone let me know because I am seriously considering buying a different phone soon.

Similar reason I decided to pass on the ATT LG Vu.

Its cool with the touch screen and stuff but there is really nothing other than that cool about it. Last I checked, there was no games or applications specifically for that phone which took advantage of the touch screen.

Check and see if it has crime deterrent!

One of my favorite commercials of all time. :rofl: