Anyway around this?

Okay, so i have a set of 17inch ADR GTSPORT rims, and unfortunatley one of them is bent. I brought it to a local custom rim shop, and they claim they can’t seal a new tire to it.

And also unfortunately they don’t sell this type of rim. Apparently nobody in my god forsaken town does. Anyone know anyways to get one rim from the manufacturer? Is it common to buy one rim?

Any help is appreciated, i already sent some emails to some online sites to see what i can do.

how bad is the bend man
you can have it fixed by a shop like carcony’s(spelled wrong im sure) cheaper then buying a new one.


yeaaa. if the rim isnt folded in half theres tons of wheel shops that could fix it. i dont know where you live but if you feel like driving out to the east end (ajax) i can give you the number for a sweet shop that my dealership sends all our damaged wheels to.

i live in sudbury, a small town 4 hours north of toronto.

its not even that bad, you cant notice the bend from a foot away. but apparently the two places i went to today said the rim was garbage.

i just filled it with air, its not leaking. im gonna mount it and see what happens.

get it repaird if anything,
im sure picking up one rim is possible, but will total out more exspensive then your gas + labour for fixing the rims than purchasing + shipping of the same rim

okay i got the rim on, an other then mad vibrations over 80km, seems good. rim prolly needs to be balanced. but the only thing is the air doesn’t last in the tire. after about 4 hours its completely flat.

im gonna host pics in a sec, let me know if you guys think it’s worth it.

I dont think balancing will help the woble just a thought but it might be that your rim isn’t round. ^^its worth fixing if it coomes out to anything less then the price of a new one.
and 4 hours hmmm whats the point of running rims if your going to look like an idiot? no offence but…
just get it fixed and be done with it

yeah im definitely going to have to get it fixed, i would bring it to some sort of welding shop right.

anyway, here are the pics.

ya they will have to add metal but it should still be cheaper but stop driving on it you would end up doing way more damage when it breaks. also lower your car or something ;p


yeah lowering will come soon, just got her a few days ago.