anyway to trace a cell phone??

Anyway my phone was stolen, does anyone have anyway to trace it???

any help would be greaty appreciated

nope, just keep calling and calling and calling. Did you have insurance?

nah… I had just went into a family plan with my mom to cut down on some bills

and when she did it, for whatever reason it wasn’t added on.

you cant trace a cell. when i got a phone stolen they said all they do is disable the esn and for anyone to reactivate it they need like 4 forms of ID from the person on the account it was deactivated from. youll never get your phone back but at least nobody else can use it either.

If you are willing to take a trip to radio shack, I’m sure you could whip something up with some help.

Or you could just call your cell company and report it stolen. If you were smart and took the phone insurance option most companies offer (for a mere 3-5 bucks) they replace the phone at no charge. Much easier than trying to track your cellphone.

$50 deductible

and good luck getting someone at shack that knows how to track a cell phone

why…jeff, do you know how to trace it???

actually is there anyway to check in eroes the last few numbers that were called?

they can find out all the numbers that were called from it yes…but then what are you gonna do? track down everybody who this schmuck called and question them?

plus, i really dont think this guy stole your phone to get some free use out of it…odds are it’s somebody that doesnt like you, or some all around asshole just looking to get kicks by pissing off some stranger…nobody finds or steals a phone thinking it’s still usable…the first thing i would think at least is that the phone has to be deactivated by now…who would be dumb enough to keep paying for a missing or stolen phone to be in service…

that said…call your provider, cancel the phone, get a new one, and move on…i really dont think that there’s much you can do…and the extent to which you’d have to work to find this guy given that it is possible, isnt probably worth the money you’d pay for a new phone…

its already been reported stolen, and a new phone has ben activated. Thats irrelovent I would like to have this person found and taken care of (legally of course :wink: I dont like thieves, and this had personal information on it which I Would like back.

so clif notes if anyone can help me, especially that works for verizon pm me.

lol get a Nextel you can trace them…from home.

Cops and trace that and phone companys is probley it.

my car got broken into at the regal bout 5yrs ago and they stole 2 cells and a radar detector…i called my call the next day and that asshole actually picked up and answered it as if it was his own.

$50 deductible / 12 months spread over your monthly cellphone bill = $4.16 :slight_smile:

Why would you ask someone at Radio Shack to track a cellphone? :confused:

I meant go there and buy the parts necessary to build a tool to track it yourself :smash2:

what about restricted phone calls? can a service provider give you the number that was called from. Ive been gettin alot of these recently, Mostly I just go with it and convince them of different things everytime

Hi. this is officer brian o’connor. I need a cell phone trace.
give paul walker a call

well it sounded like you meant they could help you build it. :roffle:

and add in the $5 monthly charge to the insurance as well. trust me im not knocking it, i have it myself, but its not free.

as far as seeing the last calls made, there is no way to check that in ereos. maybe in I2K or vision, which we dont use.

the only way to MAYBBBBBBEEEE trace it is if you can get a tech rep on the line that will give you possibly tower info as to which 3 towers its grabbing, BUT, it wont be very accurate (general area), if the phone is off it wont work anyways. its only an idea as well, ive only randomly had techs state which tower i was grabbing when they are talking to themselvs. it might take 5 tries before you get someone on the line worth talking to, or it might not work at all. who knows. you’re better off to look for this guy again at the place you mentioned.

I meant to check the actual last calls that were made.