apple can remotely disable apps on iphone

"This suggests that the iPhone calls home once in a while to find out what applications it should turn off. At the moment, no apps have been blacklisted, but by all appearances, this has been added to disable applications that the user has already downloaded and paid for, if Apple so chooses to shut them down.

I discovered this doing a forensic examination of an iPhone 3G. It appears to be tucked away in a configuration file deep inside CoreLocation."


It would be better if they just bricked the phones of people stealing apps. :slight_smile:

hahahahahahahahahah pot meet kettle.

dl any xbox games lately?


lol i might be fucked then, there is no way im paying for most of these apps

Not paying for the “I’m Rich” app, eh? :shrug:

People always get all fucking pissed when they hear something they dont even own is doing shit that has the possibility of taking something you have.

I would expect the iPhone/Touch to be able to disable apps if jobs chose. Random people are making these apps and this has never really happened before on such a high profile device, so im sure jobs wants to be able to kill a app if it was discovered, then posted all over the interwebz, that it emails all of your private information to bill gates.

Yep, and honestly, if Microsoft figured out a way to brick my console for it I deserve it.

I still find it amazing how so many people feel that if it’s digital it’s not stealing. Be it MP3, DVD, xbox games or apps on an iphone if you’re getting something for free that is copyrighted it’s STEALING. The manufactures of the hardware/software that are expecting royalties for this copyrighted material should be able to do what they need to in order to protect their interests.

No one knows what Apple is going to use this blacklist for. They may or may not cross the line depending on what gets blacklisted. If they can prove you have stolen copyrighted apps on your phone and remove them, more power too them. If they simply ban anything that isn’t in the app store, including programs that aren’t violating anyone’s copyright, that’s crossing the line.

i hear ya, but hey, if its free and accessible, i take it

It’s not free :lol:

ugh… here have some kool aid.



Surprised how long it took for the wakeboarding pic to come back to haunt me.

Yeah, I do the same, but I won’t try and claim it’s my right to get this stuff for free.

Piracy isn’t stealing. Its piracy.

i just bought supreme commander a few weeks back, actually went into the store and payed for it, lol…

i wanted it for online play.



psshhht… there will be a work around for it. Since when has a software company ever managed to successfully control the end users experience, if the end user doesn’t want them to?

I can see it being included in the next jailbreak tool

I would assume it could be helpful if it was discovered that somehow an app got on the market containing a nasty security vulnerability or something.

That i can agree on, makes sense to do it for something like that.