apple guys come on in

core 2 duo / i5 / i7 are all different designs. IMO the core 2 duo is starting to get out-dated. I don’t know enough about the differences to sit here and rattle them off. I am educated enough to say that the difference is not negligible though.

If you are comfortable with what your current machine is doing, and you want to make a lateral move into a dedicated desktop, then I would say the iMac is the ticket. However, once you upgrade the processor to the top tier, it’s at that point that you are better off getting the Mac Pro with the Intel Xeon processor in my opinion.

By separating out the monitor from the computer, you can save a lot. I have 2, 24" monitors that I run side by side, and then a Mac Pro with 8 gig of ram (totaling under 4k), and it pretty much rocks the shit of everything I need to do at work.

If you don’t mind having the split screen, I would TOTALLY recommend going 2 monitors. You can get 24" Dells for ~ 300 bucks now. They are good enough quality for any web/print/video thing we produce at RIT :tup:

Not sure if it was posted, but the Mac pro is due for an update soon so I would not buy one yet if you want to go that route. That and the new Imac’s are faster than the current Mac pros.

mark i will be running a dual screen setup on either computer i get

and penfold, i heard that too, that is one reason i am not wanting a mac pro
for what i am doing now and making no income a new imac is all that i need
once i have some income from free lance / job then i can afford to spend many monies on a mac pro

I wouldn’t let a new model stop you from buying the current model, that’s usually a bad business plan. The one currently out will be powerful enough to do ANYTHING for the next 4 years or so. You may be able to get it for a lowered price too, if the new model comes out before you purchase. Universities often sell the old models at a discounted rate, they are good places to buy during times of transition.


I would also check out the refurbished section of the apple store online.

this isnt a thread about mac pro vs imac though
thats not what i am looking for
im looking for information the different processors used on the imac…


Seems like the 27" screens might have an issue. Worth looking into if you haven’t pulled the trigger already.

have read this
there are only a few cases with this
along with the screen being cracked once received from shipping…
havent pulled the trigger yet as i am trying to get info on the diff processors
but this is nothing that is going to scare me away from it

bump for new questions, now considering a mac pro
updated first post
any info would be appreciated
thanks guys