I bought a 1st gen Ipad that is disabled. I hooked it up to my itunes but it was locked with a passcode so I cant restore it, or can I?
Its not stolen, it was left in a lost and found for over 5 months and no one claimed it. If I go to the Apple store will they unlock it for me or confiscate it?
Nope, it was in lost and found for over 5 months. It was disabled so i couldn’t find out whos it was. Mine now. They didnt want it that bad if they didnt ask for it back where they lost it and probably go 3-4 times a week. On top of that it was at the counter in plain sight for them to see everyday.
Are you kidding me, Are you a pastor or something? Holy shit, I’m not giving it back to someone who doesn’t want it. You really must be perfect. Every fucking thread on here has arguments in it, I asked how to unlock it not if it was morally correct to give it back or not. My daughter is 2, she won’t know she will have it destroyed in a week anyway so then when I throw in the trash maybe you will be happy. Oh and I’m still posting from it, sweet stuff.
JDMSIR if you didnt take it someone else would of. Good for you to getting to it first. If it was sitting some where for 5 months no way they are coming back for it. Anonymity did you not eat your Corn flakes this Am
Policy is policy. Should every lost and found set items aside for life…just in case? If you lost something and either couldn’t find or didn’t bother trying to find it within 3 months…probably not that important to ya.
I see no problem…somebody negligently left their personal property in a public place…didn’t bother to check or even call for it, and this person expects that this place of business will hold it for them forever…Nah…good pickup.