
SO I have a few old things from my grandfather

1 is an old Radio off the back of a willys jeep from WW2. I have no idea what these things go for and its in fairly decent condition for sitting my in my garage for a long ass time.

I was wondering if anyone has any experiance with older stuff and if theres someplace online where I could look up this stuff

only thing I can think of would be take it to Antiques roadshow

hahaha channel 11


why not put a pause on the turbo and save for the baby instead of selling a family antique :idiots

shut up fag.

aww jeez :wtf haha

Look for something similar on ebay. Generally the selling price on ebay is a good indicator of how much people are willing to pay for it, therefore a realistic value for the item.

:lol The 16 y/o kid is telling Shady what to do, I think Shady knows what he’s doing.

its not a family antique asshat…

Its an old radio thats been sitting around that my father told me to try and sell if i wanted to. As far as family antiques go, I have about 10-15k worth of antique cathedral radios that im not selling. Don’t just jump to conclusions. Oh I also have a gold pocket watch thats about 100+ years old that worth quite a bit of money… I have so much stuff that my grandparents left me I could finish my car, put a downpayment on a house and still ahve a years salary to play with… Im not in such dire need of money im selling that shit off.

you don’t know shit so don’t jump to conclusions.

You could try to Google an antiques dealer that’s into that kind of stuff? Usually they are willing to pay a little more than the general public if it means something to them or it’s something they are highly interested in?

yeah almost 18 bub, im not telling him wat to do i was just saying it would be an idea, and i didnt know if it was an important family thing or not so shut the fuck up and go melt another k20

:crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup GOOD ONE! fuckin retard.

cant we all just get along

Regardless it comes off extremely disrespectul especialy if you “didnt know if it was an important family thing or not” so dont jump to conclusions…

Dont get bitchy at joey cause his K20 would run circles around you stock. And the k20 wasnt melted, a few bent valves is far from melted

tell that to chris :rofl

correction, 1 chipped valve ;D

He fucked up his timing belt dident he?

I fuckin knew it!

Oh and a picture of the radio

hook up an amp. that shit will BUMP!

but srsly theres a guy in east greenbush that does appraisals ill pm you his number when i find it. i know its right by walmart on rt 4.