
I was wondering if anyone knows a good car appraiser. Hopefully someone that knows a fair bit about Nissans and aftermarket add-ons. I have a couple of cars that need appraising. :slight_smile:

I’m also very interested to know. :slight_smile:

Appreciated Auto Appraisals.

They’ve done a lot of appraisals for members of the Edmonton Z Car Club, so they have some familiarity with Nissans.

I’ve personally dealt with Troy Ciochetti (sp) from there, and have no complaints.

I went to Appreciated Auto Appraisals as well.

Its out of his house on Ellerslie Road.

Troy Ciochetti @ (780) 469-9391

I have heard of other places in town to which I have no names of yet, that give you a really good value for your car. I’ll have to find out the name.

Hey, thanks a lot! I’ll give Troy a call in the next couple of days. :smiley:

I went to Appreciated Auto Appraisals as well.

Its out of his house on Ellerslie Road.

So is this why I occasionally see your car out at ellerslie? :smiley: I’m going to have to give Troy a call in a bit as well, but do you know his exact address SRBURG13? I happen to live out at Ellerslie aswell.

He doesn’t take drop ins, but the address is on his business card, so i can’t see it being a problem, otherwise it wouldn’t be on the card. lol.

7130 Ellerslie Road is the address.

Yes, I live on Ellerslie too.

Don’t know why you’d need his address, unless you’re talking about AAA’s business address. Troy would most likely come out to your house to see your car, not the other way around. But whatever you guys work out obviously…

Sorry to bring out this old post, but I kind of put off getting the appraisal done.
Appreciated Auto says they are too busy to be appraising damaged vehicles now, so I was wondering if there was anyone else that could be just as good.