Aqua Teen Terrorist Force

You have got to be kidding me.

BOSTON, Massachusetts (CNN) – Electronic light boards featuring an adult-cartoon character triggered bomb scares around Boston on Wednesday, spurring authorities to close two bridges and a stretch of the Charles River before determining the devices were harmless.
Turner Broadcasting Co., the parent company of CNN, said the battery-operated light boards were aimed at promoting the late-night Adult Swim cartoon “Aqua Teen Hunger Force.” The devices had been placed around Boston and nine other cities as part of an “outdoor marketing campaign,” a company statement said.

yeah I read that earlier…wow


That was pretty funny. I can’t wait to see the caption blurb [adultswim] makes for this one during their shows :slight_smile:

this probably worked wonders for them, what awesome exposure! all those people who drove past these things probably had no idea what they are, and some retard thought it was a bomb, so now it’s plastered all over the news!! now everyone will know and watch athf, brilliant!

That scared people to the point of closing down bridges?! Shit. I guess Bush’s, er, the evildoers terror campaign is working…

wow, they actually did a serious apology for it

lol adult swim ftw. i used to watch it every night…now i don’t have time :frowning:

“It had a very sinister appearance,” Coakley told reporters. “It had a battery behind it, and wires.”

are they realy THAT stupid ?

even better is that the identified one of these objects as a “keyboard”

I want one of those as a decoration for my room, where can i buy one

yeah this thing is definitely bad ass looking, i’d love to put one in my room.



light bright ftw

Word. This had to have know that this would happen. For some incredibly paranoid people (which there are many out there), that could appear to be a bomb.


Looks like it. Pretty pathetic actually. A kid in high school can build a more professional looking bomb then that. All it takes is one idiot to speak up… all the rest follow. :bloated:

we are all doomed. THis is the stupidity that governs our nation. They can’t tell the difference between a Lite Brite and a real bomb.

Case in point, the TSA will tell me that I can’t take my toothpaste and deodorant on the plane with me, and confiscate them; yet I can check them in as luggage, and carry my cellphone on the plane no questions asked :roll:

Most of these morons “protecting” us don’t know the first thing about bombs.

We’re protecting the country sir…

We as a nation, are doomed by our very stupidity. Honestly there is no limit to it.

i hope nobody in boston wears their LED belt buckes to work today.

they practically shut down the whole city for this…the advertising team and the guys that put them out are being charged with possession of a Hoax Device