Aqua Teen Terrorist Force

We aren’t protecting the country…without getting too much into the politics of it and going completely OT, you are right rick. The people that run this country have little to no understanding of what could easily be done. From a tube of ‘toothpaste’ with a receiver and a cellphone call…or piecing together parts on a plane with otherwise inconspicuous (sp?) items…

its all bs, always has been since 9/11…we aren’t any safer than before, though at the same rate I dont personally feel in any more danger than before. You aren’t going to be able to predict/stop a serious attack on the US. Terrorists are smarter than those that run the country, do a search for internet tubes in google and my point will clearly and sadly become quite clear.

Yes becuase only Fox news has any coverage of terrorist actions. Amazing that this story came from CNN. :bloated:.

Everybody is in a panic state because of all the terrorist hype. You can’t just pick out a single political party and say “they are the ones”.

And when something does happen and it will…stuff like this won’t be as funny…

It’s funny how you all jump on Bush and the current administration about this, but the most retarded statements came from Democrats:

Rep. Ed Markey, a Boston-area congressman, said, “Whoever thought this up needs to find another job.”

“Scaring an entire region, tying up the T and major roadways, and forcing first responders to spend 12 hours chasing down trinkets instead of terrorists is marketing run amok,” Markey, a Democrat, said in a written statement. “It would be hard to dream up a more appalling publicity stunt.”

“It had a very sinister appearance,” Coakley told reporters. “It had a battery behind it, and wires.” -Martha Coakley, State Attorney General

As for putting your plastic explosive toothpaste in your checked bag and detonating it via a cell phone.

  1. Checked bags are scanned for explosives at many airports.
  2. Checked bags are x-rayed, and the wires and detonator sticking out of your toothpaste would probably tip someone off. Maybe they’d miss it, but if that’s the case you could just put any kind of bomb in there and just put it on a timer. Since planes are blowing up left and right you have to assume it’s a little harder than you guys make it out to be.

Instrument of Terror… bwahahhahhahahhahha


so … how do we contact these guys and tell them what a bunch of idiots they are. oh no it has wires in it, it MUST be a bomb

Fucking ridiculous. Who would draw attention to a bomb?

A bomber would put an unassuming package in a trash can, not put a fucking light brite in plain view. Goddamnit people are fucking stupid.

Those are gonna bring in a killing. More than the WV “fast”

The funny thingis the otehr 9 cities that this was slated for didnt say a word

that’s what the real terroists want you to think… [sinister laugh inserted here]

anyone else notice that the bidding for this this is over $5000!!!

thats just sick

lol wonder what they will sell it.

i’m bidding.

when I saw this on the news, all I could do was laugh . ATHF FTW

and that bidding is ridiculous but if I had my hands on one I would do the same thing, people could make them and resell them which may very well happen

oh man i cant stop laughing

this story rules almost as much as the moon.


:mamoru: mooninites > *

p.s. fuck the media

pop culture>boston

EDIT: fuck those things are going for a lot of money. that sucks. i really wanted one.

lol at public apology.