Aqua Teen Terrorist Force

Now thats fucking funny.

there is one on ebay that a kid got that is going for like 6k, i’d deff buy a repo

O&A were talkin about this then ripped apart the mayor of boston as usual, so funny

lol werd… I was loling

the sad thing is thats how every old guy from mass talks. When i used to work for adelphia i thought that i was talkingto handicapped people whenever they called.

lol it’s not just the old guys :stuck_out_tongue:

everyone from mass. talks funny

“I gotta go pak ma cah in the cah pahk”

wow the one dude looks fucked up as hell

After reading that article I’m honestly sick to my stomach. It’s official, the terrorists won.

i agree, that is just retarted. i think they are just making a big deal out of to make money from time warner to sue them

i watched the press conference those 2 had a little while ago and its was funny, they were mocking the media like crazy. all they would do is talk about their hair and when asked “are you taking this seriously” buy the press the responded yes we are taking this seriously my hair is very important to me lol.

oh man they removed it from ebay!


“It’s clear the intent was to get attention by causing fear and unrest that there was a bomb in that location,” Assistant Attorney General John Grossman said at their arraignment.

lol WTF watch out for thoes lite-brights boston they are c-4 explosive bombs

god these people are ignorant, and i can see right through what they are doing. this is simply an attempt to show how they are “tough on terror”

problem is, this is akin to being “tough on drug abuse” by prosecuting people caught speeding

But what if they were speeding to buy drugs?

Who the hell is in charge in Boston, Zap Brannigan?

“If we can hit that bull’s-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!”

this is making americans look really dumb to the rest of the world right now.

americans have been looking dumb to the rest of the world for awhile now.

why would they be removed from ebay? thats lame

“If we can hit that bull’s-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!”


whos going to start to make ATTF YTMND pages ?

Probably because the company that made them is threatening to sue, not sure how that would stand up in court, but in our fucked up world, who would risk it. This whole thing is so fuckin stupid, it was a joke, people over reacted, and like always politics are playing out so that the sheeple feel safe.

I just can’t get over all these politicians and police in Boston calling for people’s heads.

If I fucked up that big and was the laughing stock of the known world, I’d want to keep my damn mouth shut and just let this go away. But then again, it is MA, 2nd only to NY in political stupidity.