Are the new nVidia 200 series cards worth the $$$?

where do you see 3 18a rails?

that’s why I asked lol

I understand PSU ratings, but I know there is a little more to it than that which I know absolutely nothing about

I think he was referring to kevins PSU

where the fuck did you get that? He said he has this one.

jesus steve

goto hardocp and do some reading, you will find ur answer in less than 5 minutes by ppl who do this shit every day.

i nvr said anything about rails, i only stated my PSU is fine for any type of SLI

lol that’s actually what confused me (a hardware review at hocp)

Gotcha. and they over rate things to cover there asses. i doubt the gtx 260 uses even 25 amps let alone the 35 which it recommends

3 18A rails right there.

thats actually a really good point.

oh well, the case is a snake pit at the moment anyways… I’ll do some cleaning when this thing arrives. Hopefully 1 will do it, for airflow sake

as far as video cards go right now this is how they fare.

as far as the PSU debate goes.

I use a OCZ and couldn’t be happier. Best PSU I have had yet. The voltage lines are true and stable.


god damn, when they tell you to check the length of the card to make sure it fits in your case, make sure you actually do it.

This picture really doesn’t do it justice, this is in a full size tower case. I had to move the hard drives and even then, scraped up the pastic casing on the end shoe horning it in there.

So far so good on the PSU :tup: no issues (yet) thanks again

yeah, i had to turn my card sideways to get it in then straighten it out, just barely clears everything. but if it came down to it, i’d cut my case no problem for that card

I had that problem with my 8800gtx a year or so ago. Huge cards. It actually fit better in my mid antec 900 than it did in my full tower thermaltake shark

man, this card is a monster. I didn’t think that it would be all that big of an improvement but I was wrong.

crysis runs great @ 1920X1200 no AA/8xAF with a mix of medium to very high settings. Couldn’t be happier. Also seems to run a hell of a lot cooler than the 8800GT too(then again, the fans on the GT’s were kind of tiny)

joe, how are you running it? through DVI? or HDMI?

for some odd reason when I run it via HDMI it displays the picture strange (hard to describe, but it just doesn’t look “right”… washed out colors among other things) and started buzzing like an old CRT monitor. It also knocked out my sound.

When I switched it from HDMI to DVI, it worked great… picture looks perfect and sound came back. I don’t think it’s the monior though since the 8800GT looked and worked great using HDMI

buggy drivers or broken card? While using vistas built in “VGA” driver, it also worked fine using HDMI

I run it through the DVI port, movies and games look great. idles around 50*C

I actually just picked 2 of these up for Sli. Not a bad deal on GTX 260 video cards. Just can only use the $10.00 off promo code once. The rebate is good for up to 2 cards, so no need to worry if you want to run sli and get a nice rebate.

What CPU do you have? Odds are good you are bottlnecking the hell out of them unless you’ve got nehalem overclocked already. I have 2x gtx 280 sc in sli with a q9650 at 4.275ghz and I’m fairly certain there is still a good size bottleneck.

damn, that’s a smoking deal.

are those the core 216’s? or the originals?

^ Not sure where to find that info and whats better?