Are there any wireless FM transmistters V.ipod that don't suck?

My head unit is fine for what it is, plus I don’t feel like spending $200+ on a unit when my speakers are still garbage. Maybe when I upgrade my speakers I’ll put in a nice HU.

I think I’m going to do the Aux-in mod for now.

hey man i have a decent BELKIN fm tuner you can have. i just found it but i have no idea where the charging cable for it went. its takes the same charger as blackberrys. but its all yours if you want it

Really? Holla! I’d be an idiot if I didn’t at least TRY it.

I’m not sure when I’ll see you at zee galleria next, but it doesn’t look like it will be anytime soon. Do you live far from the mall? I’ll be in that area tonight…

im gunna give ya a call

They were mad how almost all of the more expensive FM Transmitters were significantly beyond the FCC specs. The FCC not only limits the power of the unit, they limit the range. I think its 250mW and 50 FT or some BS like that. Most of the units were within the power specs, but they were well beyond the 50ft according to them. Sirius ‘recalled’ thier later radios that had a built in FM transmitter as they worked far too well… lol.

But its going to depend on the car, the tuner in the radio, antenna and location, and the FM transmitter if its going to be at least decent or not. But it usually turns out to be very poor, and sound like garbage all the time, and get worse with assorted interference as you drive.

Its not worth it, dont even bother. But then again you probably download 128kb/s transcoded MP3’s… So im not sure how much you care about audio quality. Try one and see if it works for you. Some of the older units work well. Most of the new ones… Not soo much. But in generall, if it isnt PLL based, its garbage and is going to change freq’s as it changes temps. So, if it has a small ‘dial’ on it to adjust the frequency, its probably garbage.

my subaru has a factory aux input :gotme:

shoulda got a subaru and not a saabaru :slight_smile:

The VW has it too.

radio quality is what, ~ 64 kbps at best. so even if you had the best most overkill FM transmitter in the world that’s hacked: you only get shitty quality…

so the answer to the post is NO.

Haha, the impreza didn’t get the aux input until '07, and even then, it was only the sti that got it. Which if you happen to see an '07 sti radio for sale on one of the Subie forums, give me a shout; I’ve heard they can be had for pretty cheap (under $100 shipped).

But for now, llink78 gave me a Belkin for free, so I’ll see how that works out for a bit. Thanks again, Tom!

Np man