Are you at the point where you're modding your mods?

I know not a lot of you have kept the same car for very long, but it occurred to me that I’m at the point where I’m replacing mods because they’re wearing out. I just put in a second set of coil-overs and I’m about to do control arms as well. I never recorded the mileage when I installed these things because it didn’t occur to me at the time that I might want to keep track, lol.

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Definitely @drvnkd

Oh yeah. For me its either stuff I break with my SIQQQQQQQQQQQ power or parts im hanging looking to make SUPER SIQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ power.

My Tdi I was… did things like replace the upgaded turbo when it wore out, the injectors after 200k, vacuum lines that had been replaced with silicon had to be replaced again.

My xterra I hope to keep that long… Ive replaced the Alt 3x but that might have to do more so with taking it under water.

Don’t think I’ve owned a running vehicle for over a year so…haha.

Are we talking about trips to home depot?

Only ‘mods’ I’ve replaced are just fuckups on my old bike. I did however run through a set of front brake pads and a rear tire… so that makes me feel good. The bikes had a lot of miles on it since I got it going again.

I can’t remember a time when I owned a vehicle with more than 10,000 miles on it. Hell, I can barely remember the one with more than 5,000 miles.

I just don’t drive it so nothing wears out. Really starting to think about the 120K kit though, just based on time vs. miles.

no but i would if i owned a car long enough.

i dont think i’ll have my M3 long enough to need to wear out the mods on it though… I’m on my second set of pads in my stoptechs though but that doesnt really apply here i dont think.

I’m only replacing parts on my car with the hopes I can unload it for more money AND someone will drive it for a while.
I still go back and forth about selling/trading in both of my other vehicles towards a bigger truck and DD the cavalier again.

But, I’m easily distracted so I will probably leave it in the garage for another year.
You think I would know better by now, but this is the 3rd car I have let rot in my garage much longer than I should have.
I think it’s because I like the idea of having a spare.

Great thread, this thought crossed my mind the other day…

There are things that might be due on my MR2, but again, with the lack of use, I am prob. good for a couple years still…but going forward at this point, whatever mods I do will be very high end (like before) or back-to-stock replacement, haha…these days, I enjoy my cars in a different way…the thrill of reliability almost supasses that extra tiny % of performance improvement…

Of course, I also have the good fortune to drive pretty much any new Evora/Exige/Elise…which pretty much spoils me into not needing to make my own cars any “better” as they would not be anyways, haha…

i haven’t changed any mods due to wear, replaced some on the Roush with others, but that was more of a swap so i could install in the track car. but as far as wear and tear parts, no…except when i warped the flywheel 2 years ago…that was “modding a mod” haha