So this is the kind of world we lived in. Enjoy your stay…:rofl
thats a joke right lol:ponder
its nuclear powered… not exactly a bomb.
yeah i just looked that up. some pultonium isotope that decays real fast and the heat from the decaying matter turns a fan to produce electricity. pretty cool, wonder if that is one of a kind, created specifically for this machine.
its a type of sterling engine i believe. theyve used them in satellites
Nuclear power is the way to go and will be the only way to go. You simply can’t rely on solar power, period.
HD photostring/video of the actual landing.
^ There are a million ways that this landing can go wrong, but it worked.
I was talking to my boss the other day that if people saw the exact same landing in a Sci-Fi movie, people would say that is so impossible and will never happen in real life.