Are you curious about Curiosity?

Landing @1:30am Monday for the right coast.

Watch it live :

FYI, Curiosity is the largest autonomous rover ever built weighing in at around 2k lbs and it is carrying a freaking nuclear bomb, true story, just in case any Cybertron attacks.

Im into it… dunno if im gonna stay up or wait till morning to check it out. As someone who has built rockcrawlers, and is studying alternative energy, rovers intrigue me :slight_smile:

Sub’d for Transformer references. lol

I don’t even know how you even begin to engineer something like this, as you are watching it please do keep in mind that the rover is 2000 lbs. This makes building a F1 race car like a 10 piece lego toy and this is why America is awesome.


Insane. I hope it works, would be awesome, but at the same time there’s so much that has to go right and one little error could ruin the entire thing.

I’m gonna go enroll in space camp so I’m ready in to fly to Mars in 2021 :rofl

Feed link here

This NASA flick sounds like it’s narrated by a transformer…


Chemtrails on mars. Pitman told me.

Oh good god. I just found a way to waste hours thanks to NASA

Watch it live here:

I clicked and I saw WILL.I.AM.

I hate you.

Also live on CNN

who else is watching right now?

I am. It landed safe.

that is da shit! USA USA!111

we have visual!!! fuck!

Awaiting lanky robot shadow to overfall the camera…


FYI. The last rover we sen’t was designed to function for 90 days, it was operational for 2+ years.

Curiosity was designed to function for 2 years.

Yes! I wish I didn’t pass out last night.

because MURICA