Are you nuts about letting people drive your manual trans car?

i typically let any of my friends who want to drive my car drive it… when i had the manual cars… as for bikes, well i was super lenient with the 636… and now the bikes i have can put an experienced rider in his place, im a little more selective, but I have let quite a few people ride the bikes… which OBVIOUSLY poses more room for error (to be honest. i only worry about them crashing, and getting hurt, not so much damage to the bike from abuse… its built to get beat on and I’m 100% certain i beat on it more than anybody else does)

Hmnm where is physcopjv…I think he let half the board drive his car…

its only a car…

<3 pat… he was begging for me to beat on his car… I’m a big vagina when it comes to going fast in cars (while turning), not enough seat time…

Yeah, I really didn’t put too much thought into that before I typed it out. Didn’t realize theres that many people on here who can handle some seriously fucked up amounts of power :slight_smile:

The Lotus, no one but me, my mom, and Evan have driven.

My mom, MaximaSE98, MPD47, white_mk_II, Kustom Play, MR2 Mark, MR2 Paul, and Chino have all driven my MR2. They’re all people I trust pretty highly though.

MPD47 I think is the only one that’s driven my RX7.

I leave my car in gear, with the ebrake down…is that bad?

I always let people drive my car. I could care less.
I love driving but if i have a few drinks. I throw the keys to who ever didn’t drink.

Unless you park on a ridiculously steep hill or something, I don’t think you’ll hurt anything. I always park with the E-Brake, and then throw the car in 1st, to be safe.

NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE is allowed to drive my car under normal circumstances. The only people I would ever entertain the idea of driving it would be a potential purchaser of the Tilton clutch who wanted to try it out before dropping massive coin (Parking lot first gear driveability at most), and certainly not if I am not in the car and dont have their credit card on file in case they manage to do something really stupid.

Other than that, the only other time it would ever happen was if I was faced with a “tow it or let someone drive it” situation… and even then short of another Viper owner or my father… its getting towed. A bumper is cheaper than a carbon clutch or a G-Force T-56 anyday.

Either way, the person who would get behind the wheel would certainly be getting a crash course on anti-stupid and a scary explantion of what happens if you side step a racing clutch on a huge engine in a turn… even if you arent accellerating. Dragging the rotating assembly to speed on a side stepped slow shift could easily cause you to lose traction.

i let neone drive the rex, as long as im wasted, im in the car with them, and the trip benefits me somehow, ie. beer run, mcdonalds run somethin like that

Pretty cool info to know it’s that much different than a “normal car”

fixed…way back in the day, son…

and for the Z, i really dont care…i wish more people would wanna drive it so i can hear it go by, but no dice…i’ve never gotten to hear my BOV’s/Exhaust/Spool in person though, kinda upsetting…

PM me come spring :slight_smile: lol

Oh shit, I forgot about that, haha. That was a long time ago.

But I do remember now, and I also remember driving your Z. We did a ricer fly-by on my dad, haha.

We can swap this season again if you want. I’ll blow off at you.


When I finish the BMW it’s gonna be a whore. I’m basically gonna let anyone drive it…within reason.

really :snky:

Dan shutup you would totally let me drive your car.

Mine hahah well i dont really care i probably wouldnt let someone i dont know drive it but if any of my friends want to then i have no issues with it. Shit Brendansi used to take it so much it felt like i was borrowing it from him sometimes. Toda had it for a few days doing god knows what to it. Formulals1 you have taken it for an extended period of time as well i think. I dont even remember. What i do remember is Todas shitty CRX i had to drive while he had it.

Christ people it’s just a car.

unless there is THAT much of a possibility of them getting hurt, who cares.

I had my car for 12 years, it has never been in a shop or dealership after it was bought…even when I take it for inspection I drive it in…actually I don’t think anyone has ever drivin my car…sad huh



Say that when some dumb broad tries to put it in reverse at 60mph

That blew. Im surprised nothing bad happened…