Are you nuts about letting people drive your manual trans car?

I’ve done that everyday for years. Even though my owners manual says park in reverse I almost always use first. I guess I’d rather not have the stress sit on the reverse idler. I just try to use the parking brake at least once a week.

Parking in neutral with the parking brake on is great until it freezes. Or you don’t drive it for a few weeks and it rusts up.

It’s a Subaru, I don’t care as long as they put it back in the same condition.

Maybe it’s just me but I fail to see how parking in gear would put anywhere remotely near the strain on it as say driving normally. And tends to be recommended by most owners manuals. (And RJ-92 ;)).

X2… It’s not the clutch or trany that you should worry about. Body damage gets expensive real quick. I don’t think the worst driver could fry a clutch just moving a car out of the driveway. It’s funny that some people refuse to drive my car. They seem afraid of it. My GF says she knows how much I like the car and would not take the chance of crashing/damaging it. When I first bought it my brother pounded through the gears and showed me how to drive it. Didn’t bother me a bit. I sat in a lawn chair and watched him fly back and forth on his road, a 55 zone. Is your drive line really that fragile? :gotme:

If they know how to drive a manual I wouldn’t care. Hell I’ve let like 10 people drive the Cobra in the 2 weeks of ownership. I wouldn’t let anyone learn to drive a manual on it though because I don’t feel like paying for a new clutch for someone else’s learning experience.

on driving other peoples cars its so much that everyones clutch is soo different.

It wont stall but it might bog or it might rev a little high on that first pull out of first, after i know where the clutch grabs, its all easy crusing from there on.

as stated i think just about everyone has had a turn in my car. i even let different people take it down the track. i love my car to death but at the end of the day it’s still a car. I’ve driven turbo’s and chucks vehicles. Definitely can’t have your head in your ass while driving, totally different animals than my car. I took choko’s down the track and that thing is a beast on the bottle. I don’t beg people to drive their cars, if they want me to drive it they’ll say “why don’t you take it for a spin?”

yeah as time goes by i car less and less about who drives my cars. i used to be real picky and anal about it but i don’t care at all anymore.

especially with the new si. it’s mad easy to drive, i’ll even teach people how to drive stick with it. warranty ftw.

I’ve never owned a “fragile” or powerful car so unless I think someone’s likely to try and show off then I’m not worried. I don’t care if a clutch n00b’s going to stall or slip it a bit much. :shrug: Hell my father-in-law let me drive his ///M before it was broken in, so who am I to worry about anything I’ve owned?

yea im destined for a literbike after that southgate night you let me whip around the gsxr… i hate you willy!

and ive never owned a 800hp car or anything worth that much money to care enough, when i had my gli i think half my friends took round after round romping through the gears. i don’t see the big deal, theyre not going to do anything you wouldn’t/haven’t done.


really im not trying to start shit, but i think next time you’ll be better off going with a six-speeds tranny (t56rebuilds). the only thing (that i know of) that g-force offers that they dont is a custom gear set, that i hear a lot of bad stories about. i have a six-speeds tranny myself. less money, and i RARELY hear bad feedback from them. im really happy with the product.

if they know how to drive i don’t mind that much… i wouldn’t let someone learn on my sti though

lol I’m sure you or someone drove it during that process…

I have one too and so does Studderin. They seem to do good work.

alright so this one time, when i had my 95 accord lx 5speed and i was going to sell it because i bought the TL 6 speed, and i was at this party with a few friends and these 2 girls i know are talkin about the new car, askin where it was (wasnt registered yet) but told them about it, just the details, leather 6 speed navi blah blah blah, so the one girl was like oh gosh i dont know how to drive a 6 speed or a 5 speed… so i told her and her friend well if you guys wanna learn i got my old car and its a 5 speed and if you grind it a little i wont be pissed. So me and the 2 girls go to a lot off of rt 39 heading towards springville from arcade, and i let the one girl drive, she did pretty good for her first time. So now the other one tries. BTW these girls are 18 and 19 and we are all sober. So she gets off to a rough start but is doing okay, seems to get flustered a little, so im like okay just relax, push in the clutch, shift from 2nd to 3rd, let clutch out gently blah blah blah, as we are going down RT39 i notice we are heading out of town so i tell her to make a left on this road so we can turn around, i said it prolly a little on the late side (i could have made it or went to the next one) but she starts slowing down (its on a bend, the road curves to the right) then locks up the brakes and slides arcross the road and hits a guardrail (one of the 2x high box steel ones) head on at approximately 20mph. Long story short, i broke my hand in the passenger seat and was out of work for 2 mos. The girl in the back is unhurt and the girl driving had a broken nose (if i remember right). No, i didnt give her the broken nose. A girl actually asked me if she could drive my TL about 4 days ago. I told her, the last girl i let drive my car, crashed it and put me out of work for 2 months… im gonna have to say no.

I let a girl learn 5speed on my car
girl crashes car and breaks my hand
bitches are banned from driving my cars

^ nice story.

It made me roffle.

I don’t really let anybody touch either of my vehicles. I have the Trans Am for summer and the S10 for winter. the TA is an auto with a shift kit, the truck is a 5 speed. I don’t let ANYBODY drive the car cuz its my baby, and the truck…I don’t feel like replacing the clutch lol. There are very few people I would trust to drive it.

I’ll let anybody drive the tC. Its nothing special.

I don’t think anyone would want to drive the DSM for fear of it breaking and them feeling bad. Well maybe Carnut and DeviousTSi but no one other then those two and maybe a JSkrapper.

I only let my brother drive my foxbody.

I let two of my friends drive my mustang, and that was a big mistake. The both of them own manual cars too, but can’t handle the torque since they own 4cyl vehicles.

My ex wanted me to teach her how to drive stick on my mustang, then she got acquainted with the back of my hand.

I’ll let any guy drive my car…

I don’t let females drive my car… Except my girlfriend drove my automatic truck a few times…because I was really tired…ect.

I have a thing (ego) with being in a passanger seat with a girl driving. I think the guy should always be driving…

GSX has also driven your RX7.

Sums up my involvement. :lolham:


“yeah right bitch… whack”