Are you nuts about letting people drive your manual trans car?

Good friends, yes. Random stranger no. Women… haha women aren’t allowed to drive cars just mini vans… :rofl:

ok, some facts

G-force is fucking junk.

sixspeed(t56rebuilds) dose good work. there service could be more truthful

Rodney at RPM, dose awesome work. I’d run his t56 ideally, hes shit is dialed. No other big power cars, shit better then his stuff.

lol who cares, if i dont let some one drive my car it probably cuz i don’t like them.

I’ve driven your car a few times lol. Ofcourse that was becuase you couldnt drive over the border, your license being suspended at the time an all lol.


Right, forgot about that.

And yeah, I think it is fair to say, you’ve driven my MR2 more sideways, than straight.

I’m of the “It’s just a car” school. Unless you have something like Joe’s lotus that’s impossible to find parts for who cares. I let just about anyone that I know/like drive the STi. 91MR2, once spring rolls around I’d like to do a little more car swapping.

I’m trying to teach my wife how to drive stick on the Subie before I upgrade the clutch, but she’s being a big baby.

My mom has driven my vette to church, I don’t see what the big deal is. I’ve let a bunch of my friends drive my vette. Most of the time I’m with them in the car, but I have let my good friends take it to go race people or get ice cream. I beat the car pretty good, so I don’t mind if they do. Plus I know they know that if they break it they will help fix it.

i let most guys that know how to drive standard drive it.

but no broads—most can’t drive an automatic right. i can only think of 2 i know that are capable of driving a standard, so they’re welcome to drive my car.

a 305 with a shift kit is so hard to drive… :bloated:

ps as to my car, its just a car, and I still have the CDV, its almost as easy as driving a stock honda clutch…

I’ve let friends drive my GTO, but none with the TC turned off. With the stock 245’s it’s pretty easy to break the ass end loose and none of my friends have much RWD vehicle experience.

Been teaching the wife to drive stick and a few times I’ve come very close to picking up a beater and just throwing it away when she was done learning.

And I always park it in gear with the ebrake on. For you neutral/ebrake people wait until you have your first experience with your ebrake not engaging fully and your car rolls away.

Especially leaving the ale house.

“:picard: I bet he’s pretending those snow banks are road cones.”


For the most part as long as they can drive manual and I trust them it’s fine. Just give them a few words of advice, like the clutch chatters, there’s torque steer, it takes effort to shift, part-throttle boost is a problem so baby it or floor it, and don’t crash. Other than that, I figure I beat on it way more than anyone else would.

First off, let me clarify this:

That would be the day I let G-Force actually build me a transmission… or any company build me anything for that matter.

I do however purchase parts from them. As I have found out, they arent very trustworthy when it comes to building a trans for you, and you never seeing inside of it. However, they generally wont try and shaft you when buying parts directly, as you are going to SEE them before they actually go in.

To my knowledge, the only gearset that has ever shown any promise in the Viper is the G-Force gearset. These 1250-1500 lb/ft V-10’s shred the teeth off standard gears within a handful of passes.

It’s still an ugly bmw.

I taught a girl to drive my car today. didn’t do bad at all…

Im all about it dude. Thanks again for letting me drive the STi all around town again today, haha. I love it! Can’t wait!

understandable. chucks tranny is being built at the shop. its really not as hard and complicated as it looks upon first glance. the parts all look pretty good.

fwiw, my trans was something like $2100 with my core. intended on being the usual syncro, slider, forks, viper output shaft build, but ended up needing to add a 2,3, and 5 gear because the originals were rounded off, and some other little things. the customer service was real good. end product works well.