
So I just won a touring model Mini Cooper S trim with a 6 speed and all the bits I could want in a nice reliable dd. Then I got back
On my plane, which pulled out into niagara falls blvd and got on the highway, then as we were gaining speed I realized my window was open and in my rush to close it
I freaked out and… Woke up.

I hate so muchly getting something in a dream, waking up and realizing it was a dream >.<

Anyone want to share similar stories?

And sry for grammar and spelling, I’m on
My iphone 2 mins from waking up.

I was sleeping so damn sound asleep this morning, dreaming so well fucking some lady from behind, she turned around and made me jump, i noticed it was your mom and I started screaming. turned into a nightmare waking me out of a dead sleep.





if you want i’ll come over and kick you in the nuts to top it off…

however it’s better than the car dream i had the other night, i dreamed i came out to my car after work and it was inside-out.





ugh fine.


wait you had a dream about a mini cooper? :gay:

I had a dream I gave up my blackberry for a normal phone the other day.

I guess that could be considered a nightmare.


with hat.jpg



Haha, I barely dream, but last night I dreamt T-Mobile released the Cupcake update for Android. Haha, it dint come true :frowning:

hahaha i was gunna say at least u could of dreamed about a real car, not a matchbox.

