This has been the worst day so far and its only 11am. I wake up today and see a nice key mark on my car. Its fresh because i washed it last night and there is still flakes on it. So i think it could be polished out so no big deal beacuse body work is not far away for me.
But to make everything worse I can home from school during spare. I was going down a back road with cars parked on both sides so its basicly a 1 lane road. Out of no where i see a cop with flashing lights in the rear view mirror. He was about 3 blocks behind but flying down the road. So i get to an intersection and pull over. I guess i did not come to a complete stop at the stop sign on that intersection so he gives me a ticket. But i was just trying to get out of his way because i did not think he was after me.
So I have a keymark on my car, an exhaust ticket (115), and a failure to stop at a stop sign (287). This comes at the best time because i am broke from my engine
Yea i told him i was making room. He said he came after me for the exhaust. This sucks because he talked to my school cop and my school cop said if its not off in two weeks hes giving me another ticket
dude what kind of fuckin tin can you runnin on the back of yo ride. seriously if you buy full exhaust systems there should be no problem. i have a full exhaust…and it’s not loud, it doesn’t need to be if gives me better flow and a nice sound when i open it up
Ummm my tin can is HKS Super Dragger. I beleive its 85 or 90 MM. Its huge but i have it tucked up all the way i can because my tow hook is in the way. This is the first ticket that i will probably have to pay.
Thank you for the link Buddyworm. I Think i will let POINTTS take care of this.
The stop sign violation is the one i am worried about because it has 3 demerits and it seem totally unfair. I guess in court its my word against the cop because i had no one with me.
And the comment about NA with a turbo exhasut will only be ture for another 23 Days depending on customs hold ups :finga:
I got the same freaking ticket. Crap it was 12:30 at night and the cop gave me a ticket for failing to stop. crap the guy should have been more worried about drunk driving at that time. The cop was a dick and he was threatening me with ever ticket possiable.
But I am in the situation that you are in, $402 worth of tickets and I am FLAT broke until i get a new job.
know what happened to me today, some fucken punks in a early 90 integra with altezza (gay like fags) taillights and he gives me a dirty look and throws something at my car as he passes. so I dropped my chick off at work, spun around, caught up to them, pulled up beside them at partsource. I got out of my car and said, “What the fuck is your problem.”
he says, “What are you talking about?”
I say, “You fucken gave me a dirty look, and threw something at my car.”
he says, “No it was my buddy”
at this point i get madder because his passenger side would be on my passenger side (that means we would be driving in england or have jdm cars, which we don’t)
so I say, “Just don’t fucken throw anything at my car, because I wouldn’t to you.”
Fucken people have no respect for someone who has alot invested into their car. It’s jealousy, pure jealousy. Fucken pathetic. I guess my story is along the same lines. Oh and I had my car keyed last year, that’s why I got it painted this winter. I fucken know all about jealousy and disrespect. sorry for the swears and rant but this subject pees me off just as much as stupid gomer drivers.
Rob, that sucks about the tickets. Tell them exactly what you’ve said here - you saw him speeding down the block with his emergency equipment activated, and pulled over (through a stop sign) to make way for him to pass. When they find out you wern’t speeding or doing anything to cause the cop to come speeding after you, they might let you off.
Might wanna install a rear section stock exhaust just for the court date or to show your school asshole there. Then change it back.
And people who key other people’s cars have no testicles and should be shot on sight. I don’t get it…what’s the thrill in damaging some paint? Perhaps they did it to collect some of it and sniff it later?
I reveived a ticket for enlarged outlet on a MV. He tried to give me a ticket for the clear lenes at the front but i showed him the DOT approved engraving on the front. Then the clear sidemarkers, they are off a mercedes with a DOT approved writting on them and he complaine that my tired would throw off my speedo. He also said that i will have to go to 2.5 inch exhaust. I told him stock is 2.25 and he just shrugged. My guy that fought the last ones is swaped with cases so he can’t do them so i am looking for a new traffic ticket lawyer. I guess i will have to call POINTTS tomorrow.
All this aside the last part of my day was great. I got a dollar fifty raise and offered managment at my work. :partyman:
Hey Rob, congrats on the promotion and raise! Sorry to hear about your other troubles . . . sounds like the cop was picking on you pretty badly. I wonder if they have an enforcement campaign going against modified cars.