
Ok this is getting stupid. Everyday for the past 4 days i have gotten an exhaust ticket. They have all been from the same officer (school cop). I got one they i parked my car further away and kept trying different spots so he would not find it. I know this sounds stupid but i have to get to school and today i ended up walkin 3 blocks to get there. He still found my car and as soon as i started it up after school he was there. Looks like he was waiting down an alley. So far i have 4 tickets in 4 consecutive days. They are around the 200 mark each. I dunno what to do. I have no way to get to school cuz i have an hour bus ride. Does anyone have any suggestions??

I tried the JASMA thing to no help and i was saving up some money for a quieter exhaust but this will blow my fund. Looks like this last half of my year will be a battle :starwars:

Ticket for noise, or ticket for the size of it?

You can fight that. The cop is not giving you a chance to change the exhaust. Since it is from the same officer who is following you, you will have grounds for those tickets to be thrown out.

Go fight them immediately. Dont’ worry about the cop, he is working a school because he is brand spankin new to the force and is trying to feel like a tough guy or something.

I know for SURE that he can’t just sit around the corner everyday and ticket you for something you have no time to do anything about. There has to be “reasonable” time.

…So when you gettin the ExMAg

that is what i am thinking. hopefully i will sit down with the cop tomorrow and explain this. Tape recorder in pocket because last time he told me to get lost. they are all for noise and i have never gotten past one minute after start up.

Nis240- i knew you would ask about this but i will have to fight the tickets first because if i get one tomorrow it will be 1000 in tickets. then for sure can’t afford it. might have to go your stock for mine plus $$$

Don’t be so sure they can’t follow you and do this.

The EPS was doing this with their top 50 worst driver list earlier in the year. They even admitted publicly to tailing people on the list and waiting for them to make driving errors, for which they’d then be ticketed.

Believe me, I hope you get out of all of these, because not only is that a seriously gay situation, it’s a total waste of police time. What I’d do is go to the judge/crown prosecutor and see if they’ll roll all the tickets up into a fix-it ticket, then go change the exhaust and get it inspected. If they go for it, it could save you some coin.

Good luck, dude. Stick it to the man! :smiley:

… :E

Is it a real Edmonton Police Service cop?? Or one of those fake wannabe cop bylaw officers?? U don’t have the option on your exhaust to put a silincer in it with screws to hold it in place?? I got my silincer if ya need one!! I’d even lend it to ya!! Till I start getting tickets for my exhaust!! :club:

I agree with that they need to give you reasonable time to change it. Also was he there with his DB meter? If he wasn’t measuring that you are 78DB sound leavle at idle that tell him to eat your fuck. JKS but don’t they need to measure the sound leavle??

No, but they need to.

Otherwise exhaust tickets are unfair and completely up to the discretion of the officer. In Cali you have a 95DB limit from 50 feet. Go over that, and you get a ticket. What’s stupid about all of this is I hear more loud ass mustangs around with boomng pipes than I do sport compacts, and yet we bear the brunt of the tickets.

The law needs to be changed to include a noise level check. It’s the only way to take the officer’s opinion out of the ticketing process. :!:

Im gonna follow some people around this summer with trucks , mustangs, camaros etc and get video of their fuckin hick exhausts so that when i get a ticket i can show them how biased they are being againt the sport compact crowd.

You don’t even have to follow them around, man!

Just stand on a corner at Whyte ave somewhere. Hang out downtown for 5 mins, or by WEM. These assholes in trucks get away with glasspacks and blue bottles and SC owners are getting pulled for small performance exhausts? Gimme a break. :axe:

Yeah, if he gives you another ticket, tell him to rip out the DB meter and tell him to prove that the noise was over 78 or 80db’s or whatever it is. Also, print out the bylaw from the Queens printer or something and show it to him when he gives you another ticket (the db part of things).

Good luck man.

i have the law and it says the cop can give u a ticket without a dB meter and that a judge can find you guilty eventhough your exhaust can’t be measure (edmonton by-laws) . i did not get one today so i’m happy. i also talked to my criminal law teacher and she said it COULD be considered harrasment how he watched MY car only.

There is also a cavalier with some vibrant bolted muffler that is 10 times as loud and very raspy that has not gotten a ticket yet. I will take all of this to court and see what happens

Well, one argument you could use in court is that laws are defined to apply to very specific cases. A single human being deciding what is or is not too loud without instrumentation develops a case where laws become subjective instead of specific.

I think most reasonable judges would understand this argument. The other thing you might want to do is get a video camera, find loud cars that aren’t being ticketed, and report on camera what their DB rating is, then compare it to your car. Even better, get footage of the officer in question IGNORING those types of vehicles if possible.

What you ultimately want to do is build a case to show that the cop is subjectively, and unfairly giving out tickets who whoever he chooses. That could convince a judge that 4 tickets in 4 days is totally unreasonable.

But hey, WTF do I know, I’m not a lawyer. :E

i got one of my friends dad to do it for free :rolleyes:

he says this is totally stupid. he worked as a prosucutor for a few years and now he is a divorce lawyer (tons of money in it now) hopefully i can win

Harasment <<<<<<<<<<<Thats what he is doing.