armageddon 2012


he also won an award for for biggest douche in the universe


Or just rightfully schooled Carlos Men-steal-ya

  1. Nostradamus said the world would end in a 13 (2013 3013 2413 ect)
  2. He also said the world would end while the great nation (USA) has a female in power (Potentially Hillary Clinton on coarse for 2012/2013)
  3. Said there would be a pope of a different kind (There are a few black cardinals who are believed to be in line for pope.)

Im f****** sceeerrd.

No one vote Clinton on 08


Or just rightfully schooled Carlos Men-steal-ya

  1. Nostradamus said the world would end in a 13 (2013 3013 2413 ect)
  2. He also said the world would end while the great nation (USA) has a female in power (Potentially Hillary Clinton on coarse for 2012/2013)
  3. Said there would be a pope of a different kind (There are a few black cardinals who are believed to be in line for pope.)

Im f****** sceeerrd.

No one vote Clinton on 08


sweet i love it

We’re worried about global warming when Hillary is the most imminent threat to the survival of the human race? :wtf:

There was a tv show on a couple weeks ago about Isaac Newton. He mathematically calculated through some things in the Bible that the world is going to end in 2066.

Nostradamus’s quatraines are insanely accurate, he predicted napoleon, hitler, both world wars, the nuclear bombs on japan, the cold war, and 9/11

^ he made thousands of crazy generalized predictions and 10 or 20 were similar to what actually happened. gee, what are the odds that in thousands of years a huge war would happen between countries overseas, or that dictators would torture and/or kill people.



^ he made thousands of crazy generalized predictions and 10 or 20 were similar to what actually happened. gee, what are the odds that in thousands of years a huge war would happen between countries overseas, or that dictators would torture and/or kill people.



it still pretty scary that any of his predictions were similar to what happened

his ‘predictions’ were only made in hindsight by people that interpreted the writings…bunch of losers

He was a faggot.

They Mayan calendar is pretty bad ass. It amazes me how advanced some early civilizations were.