Army Ranger School

Pretty stoked , still here in afghanistan for about 2 more months, and my platoon sgt just put me in for Ranger School Assessment in 37 days, which passing that will be a breeze from all the training ive been doing here once the past few months…

then getting sent to Ranger School spring 2013

60 days of pure agony but making it through it and gaining the ranger tab would be by far one of the biggest accomplishments of my life

pretty excited just figured id share

Congrats dude! Will definitely help with obviously a military career, but also a career in private security contracting when your contract is up.
A buddy of mine had the opportunity to do Ranger School, but instead opted not to, and is instead doing SF.

yeah I cant go SF. Id like to but that school alone is a min 2-4 year school

Yea, it’s a long process but from what he’s told me, it’s well worth it. He says SF is a lot more laid back and have a completely different role for the military. He goes up for selection very soon, and should have no prob with it, though he hasn’t done PT in a while since he just completed sniper school.

Rangers is a serious accomplishment.

Best of luck.

thanks vlad… just gotta make it through the school now

Congrats on getting your name tossed in for that. Its a long journey from them putting your name in all the way from first getting a slot through RTAC and then school. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

I shot you a PM.

Congrats dude. Get your 5 mile run around 30min and ruck as much as you can (shouldnt be a problem there). Im sure youll do fine man just keep your head up and dont get peered.

That’s great man. Best of luck to you!

That’s my ni99a !!! Do work kid u got that shit man . U have a p.m as well nick

thanks guys… training just a day at a time now

ranger school would be a dope accomplishment for sure. elite infantry right there.

Congrats man… good luck

Congrats man. I only play rangers in mmorpgs…:rofl

Congrats dude! Do Work!!

congrats bud!

my cousin just became a Ranger about 2 months ago. I guess the training is insane.


Congrats and good luck, even though I know you wont need luck. Go kick some ass buddy!

Fucking Awesome. You got this!

Congrats buddy, i’m sure you’ll fucking nail it!!!

While I’ve never been through any of these types of elite training schools, watching the tv shows on them just makes me respect the stuff you guys go through even more and what you put yourselves through to become even better at your job.

They(TV) say it’s physically demanding no doubt, but that most people quit early on due to mental fatigue and the mindset that they can’t go on when their body really can.

Best of luck man, you’ve got my respect for sure! :number1:number1