Arrested for DWI while leaving a stop-DWI Victims Impact Panel?

$2K in fines, class fees, and the hoops and latters you jump through. Mandatory min of 3 month suspension of lic. Forget the side effects, insurance, time away from work to take the classes, and all that shit.

its more than taking a cab home or getting a hotel room for the night. Someone I know went out, was smart and got a cab ride to a hotel, stayed there until the next afternoon. Drove home, bright and bushy tailed, got pulled over for lic plate cover, one thing led to another and get taken out of the car, arrested and still somehow blew a .07 dwai. Buddy in the pass side who was with him all night and morning drank side by side with him, blew a .00 Sometimes your body reacts differently than others. even if you follow all the responsible rules, be careful the next day too!!!

Its people like that scumbag that make the responsible people like I just mentioned get FUCKED over way more than they should.