Arrested for DWI while leaving a stop-DWI Victims Impact Panel?

This guy was. :rofl

Schenectady Police arrested a man who they say showed up drunk to a Stop DWI Victim Impact Panel meeting, then drove away.

Thomas Rexford of Sloanesville was attending the meeting on a court order, as part of his conviction on a DWI charge. He was denied entry into the panel, when police say he was screened at the door, and found to be drunk. When asked how he got there, Rexford said he had walked. He was told to leave, and followed by members of the Schenectady County Probation Department, who saw him get into a truck and drive away.

He was stopped by the police department, and charged with DWI, and DWI with a blood alcohol content greater than .08%. He’s due in court on Friday November 19th.

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Wow nothing surprises me anymore at how dumb people can be.


They spelled Sloansville wrong. They’re clearly drunk.

bwahahaha thats great, fuckin sloansville sloughters

he is my hero. possibly also my father.

I am too much of a Jew to risk a DWI. I think i saw the average DWI costs $6+ between fines, increased INS rates and even more if you have to take the classes. And now with NY having the interlock system mandatory after your first with you paying all costs involves with that it’s got to be even more. No thanks, I’ll take a cab ride home

$2K in fines, class fees, and the hoops and latters you jump through. Mandatory min of 3 month suspension of lic. Forget the side effects, insurance, time away from work to take the classes, and all that shit.

its more than taking a cab home or getting a hotel room for the night. Someone I know went out, was smart and got a cab ride to a hotel, stayed there until the next afternoon. Drove home, bright and bushy tailed, got pulled over for lic plate cover, one thing led to another and get taken out of the car, arrested and still somehow blew a .07 dwai. Buddy in the pass side who was with him all night and morning drank side by side with him, blew a .00 Sometimes your body reacts differently than others. even if you follow all the responsible rules, be careful the next day too!!!

Its people like that scumbag that make the responsible people like I just mentioned get FUCKED over way more than they should.

We need to start a DWI insurance company, imagine the money you could make. I know if I like to drink out at bars ect I’d pay for DWI insurance.

so how would said insurance work exactly?

that guys a winner lol

Winner, winner. Chicken dinner.


I say put some respobsibility back in peoples hands. DWI and DWAI should be secondary offenses. Like a texting and driving ticket.

If you cross the yellow line and get yanked, you get failure to stay right & DWI.

If you crash into a tree, you get ticketed and DWI.

If you kill a family in an accident, you get ticketed arrested for manslaughter and DWI.

AND THEN send the DWI charges right the fuck through the roof. 1 year suspension min, 10X fines, community service, jail time… REAL DERUTANTS…

Bottom line is I believe that the Serve and Protect shit isnt working anymore. People will continue to do as they choose… no mater what it is. A million laws will NEVER protect people 100% of the time. When laws start to take advantage of peoples lives, that should be the first red flag that something in the system is flawed. There are so many loop holes in laws if the man wanted to, you could be doing something 100% moral and not bother anyone and have your life turned upside down and ruined.


Joe truck driver earns a living driving big rigs. been at it for 25 years, all he knows. Family of 3 kids and a loving wife. Never been arrested, goes to church on sundays.

He’s doing an oil change on his car, in his driveway on a sat afternoon drinking a beer or two. Cop is across the road watching. Joe gets in the car and starts the engine to warm up the oil to drain it. Cop throws the lights on and “pulls him over”. Arrests him for a DWAI or DWI. Joe looses his job (one traffic offense and your professional lic is yanked), loses his house and etc.

If you think this is BULLSHIT, its not. Your driveway is considered public drive. The moment you enter your vehicle running or not, its no different legally that driving down the road. You can however be cocked off your ass doing doughnuts in the front lawn all you want, but the moment you hit the driveway… WOOP WOOP your fucked. Ask a cop, lawyer and look up the laws.

just food for thought… there are millions of things you do EVERY DAY that could land you in jail, if chosen to do so.

Need cliffs, of cliffs.

what if you have a gate in front of you driveway? is it still considered a public drive? also what considers it as a driveway? what if its just a worn down trail from the rd onto your property? this sounds fishy to me, i always thought your driveway was your own property, if someone is in your driveway without permission you could kick them off your property.

dont enter a vehicle while parked in your driveway once you have consumed more the the legal limit of 4Loco’s… you can get a dwi.

get loaded and redneck your whip around the yard with the good ol’ boys blaring out your speakers… cops cant do shit then!

So I dont own my mailbox… and now i dont own my driveway?


All that was needed. Thanks.

Nope, just called my cop friend.

A driveway is a “publically accessible drive”. If the gate is closed, its not publically accessible now is it.

When it’s in the garage, its considered in a dwelling, door open or closed. Dwellings are not considered publicly accessible unless otherwise specified.

Its fucking crazy how many things can be constured into offenses. Some people think owning a house or property puts a forcefield of invaulnrability around them… thats not the case at all!!!

Think of it this way… anything someone can see, hear, smell go on on your property you can be held accountable for if need be.