thats fucking dumb, so now i gotta make sure when ni9s come to rob me, that theyre not in my driveway when i blast em
Serve and Protect, bros.
DWAI laws in regards to alcohol are such a money making scheme. .05 is roughly two good beers (not watered down keystone light), and if you can’t handle a motor vehicle after drinking two beverages then you probably can’t drive for shit when you’re sober either.
DEFINITELY not supporting drinking and driving, but come on. The only reason there are DWAI laws in the first place is to generate $ and rip off as many working class people as possible. I wouldn’t be surprised in the future if they lower that figure to .02 and call it a new “zero tolerance” policy.
And, as someone who’s had family/friends killed by DRUNK drivers, I will still stand by that opinion. .08 and higher is definitely driving with impairment, but lower than that is CSBS.
*edited to distinguish beer type.
Yeah, I need my liscense for work and have to get driving abstracts every 6 months. Anything, even a minor speeding ticket can put my job in jeopardy
It’s rather sad how much the state of NY infringes on what should be our rights as law abiding citizens. Especially the idiotic laws regarding “castle law” in NY. Personally I don’t care if my driveway is considered publically accessable drive or not if somebody is outside trying to break into my vehicles or my house I will shoot them. I’d rather be tryed by 12 then carried by 6.
love that quote. +repz
its very true. We have the right to bear arms, only if you do this, that, sign here, here and here, if the moon is full, and these other conditions are correct… Fuck that, make it simple, if your on my property, or even near it, and you threaten me, my family, my property, or our well being… crosshair’s on your forehead. Next action is based on your next decision. simple as that.
Judges, lawyers, cops, politions… start using common sense please.